/ / Actor Ivan Krasko: biography, career, personal life

Actor Ivan Krasko: biography, career, personal life

In our material I would like to talk aboutthe famous Soviet actor Ivan Krasko. What successes did the artist achieve over the years of work in the theater and cinema? Filming in which films brought him fame? What about the artist's personal life? The answers to these questions can be found later in the article.

early years

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Actor Ivan Krasko was born on September 23, 1930. Our hero appeared in the small village of Vartemägi, which was near Leningrad. From an early age, the boy had to endure many privations dictated by wartime. To avoid a beggarly existence in the future, the guy firmly decided to achieve great success in life.

Having reached adulthood, Ivan was selected inBaltic Naval School. Then our hero was the commander of the ship. Having achieved the rank of lieutenant, Krasko decided to engage with the service in the Navy and to realize the childhood dream into reality, becoming a professional actor.

Ivan doubted that he would be able to pass the selection inTheatrical school without special training. Therefore, soon began to attend an actor's studio, where he comprehended the stage skills for a whole 3 years. At the age of 27, Ivan Krasko finally entered the Ostrovsky Theater Institute.

Work in the theater

84 year old actor Ivan Krasnov

Having graduated from the institute, the novice actor Ivan Kraskogot a place in the troupe of the Leningrad Drama Theater. For several years, the young artist had to go on stage exclusively in the images of secondary characters. Our hero realized that on this creative platform he does not shine.

Soon the actor Ivan Krasko moved to the Theater onFoundry. However, here the artist also did not last long. He managed to play a small role in only one performance. Then followed his invitation to the troupe of the Komissarzhevskaya Drama Theater. As it turned out later, Ivan Krasko was destined to devote more than 5 decades of his life to this work.

For years of intense theatrical activitythe actor played in dozens of successful productions. Among the works that gave the actor the status of a real theater star, it is worth noting the following performances: "Jester Balakirev", "Prince and the Pauper", "Conversations with Socrates", "The Lady with Camellias", "Soothe My Sorrows".

Career in cinema

In 1961, Ivan Krasko first appeared on thewide screens. The debut work for an entertainer in the cinema was the episodic role of an unnamed pilot in the film "The Baltic Sky". Then, for more than a decade, the actor received mostly secondary, rather inconspicuous roles.

Only in 1974, Krasko forced the audiencethe audience talk about their own person. The success of the actor brought the role of Major Grigoriev in the 3-series television project "Sergeant of the Militia". Ivan's partners on the set were such famous artists as Oleg Yankovsky, Lyubov Sokolova and Tatiana Vedeneeva.

Successful for Krasko was shooting in the tape "The Endemperor of the taiga ", which was released in 1978. Here the actor played one of the main roles, appearing before the viewer in the image of the ataman of bandits Ivan Solovyov. It is worth noting that this work is one of the most notable in the career of the artist.

With the advent of the new century, the actor was given roles inthe most numerous television series. The actor was exposed in such successful projects as "Slaughter Force", "March of Turkish", "Streets of Broken Lights", "National Security Agent".

Personal life

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During our life our hero four times consisted ofmarriage. The first wife of the artist was the actress Ekaterina Ivanova. From this union in the family there was a daughter, who was called Galina. Relations lasted 4 years, after which the couple decided to divorce.

In 1956, actor Ivan Krasko marries CyrusPetrova. A year passed and the couple had a son named Andrei. Then the family was replenished with a daughter, who was called Julia. A year after the birth of the girl, the actor's spouse died suddenly. Ivan Ivanovich for a long time could not depart from a heavy loss.

The third time, the actor linked fate with Natalia Vyal,which occupied the position of the requisitor of the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. Together, the couple lived for about 10 years. Then the wife left Ivan after the novel with a young man named Andrei.

84-year-old actor Ivan Krasko also married in the fourthtime. In 2015, one of his students, Natalya Shevel, became the elect of the elderly artist. For many, this alliance was a real surprise, since the difference in age between husband and wife was as much as 60 years.

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