/ How to draw wings? Instruction for beginners

How to draw wings? Instruction for beginners

People are created and live without wings - so tooordered nature. Or God, as you like. Therefore, accordingly, we can not fly independently. But interest, and even love, to man's flights have always existed, at all times. The inventors invented various devices and devices that, according to them, would help people to get up in the air and realize the cherished dream for many - to look at the world from a bird's eye view! Not all of these devices were successful - most of the projects turned out to be worthless and failed. But the very scope of thought and action has always amazed.

how to draw wings

Great painters

Many artists also puzzled over howdraw wings: bird, angelic, demonic - different in structure and purpose. Angels and demons in the religious paintings of great creators inspire and amaze the imagination of young (and not only) draftsmen. Everything is so filigree, with great believability and in details it is written that you do not cease to be surprised: maybe they really saw it all on their own!

Today, we will take a closer look at how to draw wings in stages. We hope that with the help of our step-by-step instructions this will make it much easier! But in the beginning - a bit of theory.

Structure and form

Appearance of wings and wings impresses with itsdiversity. There are a great many flying creatures on earth and in the sky (plus those that exist in our imagination)! And, thinking about how to draw wings with a pencil or paints, you need at least some knowledge of their structure. Here, again, we learn from great artists. To depict a bird or its wing, they carefully studied the anatomy of the body first: bones, muscles, feathers. As detailed as they are, we, of course, will not do this, but we certainly need to know the "base".

Three varieties

Almost all wings can be conditionally combined in structure into three large groups:

  • wings of birds;

  • wings of insects;

  • wings of bats.

And note that even the angels remind of the huge bird, and some demonic - the wings of bats!

how to draw wings in stages


If you are going to draw bird wings, beforeThis carefully consider the image of the skeleton of the bird (the bone of the wing). The structure is similar to all, only the proportions change. The outlines are set by large feathers. Little feathers cover the wing from the top, finishing the picture. In accordance with this, we begin the lesson "How to draw the wings of birds."

Step 1. Draw a curved line of the skeleton of the wing. It will not be visible afterwards, but we will need it as a skeleton.

Step 2. We start drawing the layers of feathers one by one, from short to long. Only three layers. We finish the sketch, remove the extra lines with an eraser.

Step 3. We detail our image: we draw or select small feathers from above, we make grooves on them - this will give realism.

Step 4. The lesson "How to draw the wings of birds" is almost finished. If desired, you can paint the resulting image with colors - watercolor or gouache. It is possible to use different techniques, but about this in our other lessons.

how to draw a wings pencil


If you are going to draw the wings of a bat,also advise to start with the structure. These animals, like man, belong to a detachment of mammals. Therefore, the structure of their wings remotely resembles a human hand, covered with a leather cloak. First you need to draw the base of the wing - from the shoulder to the toes, slightly bent. Then, on the previously indicated lines of the joints, we represent the webbed wing. The next step is adding the details: draw on the fingers of the claws, draw the wool, apply the shadow. So the real "vampiric" wing turned out.

The secret: in this way you can depict both a dragon wing and Batman's wings, if you draw in an anime style.

how to draw the wings of an angel

Insects and their friends

If you are going to draw wings, for example,butterflies, pay attention to the fact that they have an infinite number of veins and somehow remind us of the structure of a leaf, when through it you look at the light. And they are symmetrical! So, let's start the lesson "How to draw butterfly wings".

Step 1. Let's outline the general outline of the planes (they resemble two semicircles - at the bottom small and at the top more) on each side of the insect body.

Step 2. Thin lines draw a network of veins - like a leaf of a tree.

Step 3. We add beautiful patterns on the wings, draw the scales with which they are covered.

Step 4. If you want, we make a drawing in color: with paints or pencils. So our butterfly will look much more attractive!

Elevated Spheres

And in conclusion a few words about how to draw the wings of an angel. If you have already painted a bird, it will be much easier.

how to draw the wings of an angel

First, we draw a figure of a man in an old dress. Above his head is a halo. On the sides we depict two curved hemispheres. This is the future wings of the angel. We detail them in the same way, as well as bird - with rows of feathers. Draw the outlines and remove the extra lines. Our picture is ready! Recall only that the wings of the angel are powerful and sweeping, almost full-length. Good luck!

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