/ / The series "Cool Walker": actors and roles, the plot, reviews

Serial "Cool Walker": actors and roles, the plot, reviews

Chuck Norris is a legendary actor, whose name is invariably associated with incredible coolness, whose level, if to speak youth slang, is just off scale.

As an example, you can recall "SteepWalker "(TV series). Actors of the TV show all act out their roles well, but Russian audience, and around the world, remembered only a hero by Norris. In our country, the main character of the series, directly himself Abrupt Walker, represents courage, fearlessness, strength and his name became a household word.

A little about the series

"Cool Walker", the release date of which is considered21.04.1993, in Russia is also known under the name "Walker - Texas Ranger". During the time it was broadcast, about two hundred episodes were shot, each of which lasted about 40-45 minutes of screen time.

steep walker series actor

In the series "Cool Walker" 9 seasons, whichcame out at regular intervals once a year. The project lasted until 2001, but is still in demand among the fans. Today, the popularity of the series has increased again due to the fact that many began to experience nostalgic memories of this wonderful television show.

"Cool Walker": the plot

The plot of the series by today's standards is simple andsimple, but in the 90's, when the serial industry was not yet developed, and on the television screens showed mostly Brazilian and Mexican "soap operas", "Cool Walker" was just on top.

In the center of events, a Texas ranger namedCordell Walker, who is an exemplary minister of the law. He is not only a professional in his business, but also an honest, incorruptible representative of the law. For him, justice is above all, therefore, he is fighting in every way with violators of law and tranquility.

steep walker series 9 seasons

At the same time, Walker relies heavily on hisintuition and classical methods, working on the disclosure of the case. His partner James Trivett is somewhat different, he believes that new methods and discoveries in the field of criminalistics are more effective, therefore he uses all novelties in this field to solve the case. Together they work very efficiently.

Serial "Cool Walker": actors and crew

The main role, of course, was performed by the brilliant ChuckNorris. He does not just look great in this image, but it seems to be for him. His charisma and acting skills contributed to the fact that the character became a cult. In the peak of the popularity of the Walker project known throughout the world, and people of all ages.

But in addition to Chuck Norris ("Cool Walker") onkey roles in the series also filmed such no less famous actors as Clarence Gilliard Jr. (D. Trivett), Shiri J. Wilson (Alex Cahill) and Noble Willingham (SD Parker).

Together actors and the whole crew managedto realize on the screen such a qualitative and interesting show that it became a legendary, real classic of crime serials with elements of an action movie and the spirit of a western.

Over the script and the direction of the series workeda large number of people, each of whom approached their business with full responsibility, demonstrating their professionalism and focus on results.

cool walker release date

Only by the efforts of all the members of the team working on "Cool Walker" (actors, directors, screenwriters, operators, make-up artists, extras, etc.) managed to reach such heights.

Interesting Facts

Of course, about such a series, where the number of series exceeds two hundred, and its total duration is about 9 years, there are many different myths, gossip.

However, myths do not interest us, so let's talkabout entertaining facts associated with the series, which is also quite a lot. For example, very few people remember that the full name of the protagonist is not Walker, but Fairruker. In the series, of course, this is mentioned repeatedly, but usually the audience misses this by the ears, and for the prescription of the years most have forgotten about it.

One of the characters (Uncle Ray) in the seriescalls Walker the Indian word Va-sho, which in translation means "Lonely Eagle". This term suits the hero as perfectly as it fully reflects his spirit and image.

At the beginning of the series, the protagonist had a car model GMC, but later he replaced it with a powerful SUV Dodge Ram, which in the Texas desert is more practical and convenient.

It's no secret that the scene of the series- this is Texas. There were also his shootings, namely in Dallas and a town called Fort Worth. Interestingly, during the filming of many ordinary residents of these localities took part in it as actors in the crowd.

Reviews of viewers and critics

Despite the fact that the series proudly has the status of a cult, it does not have very high ratings both among the audience and among professionals.

In many ways, this is due to the fact that he was90-ies, when the series has not been so in demand, as now. Budgets were then low, and the public is not so demanding. Against the backdrop of Brazilian and Mexican tapes, the series "Cool Walker", whose actors are now deservedly considered the legends of cinema, looked fresh and interesting.

Cool Walker Story

Today, TV shows have high budgets, and thereforeThe scenarios are worked out much better, and special effects, and everything else. Spoiled with high-quality serial products, such as the "Game of Thrones", "World of the Wild West" and "Very Bizarre Affairs", the current fans of the series have become too picky to take a show made more than 20 years ago.

Of course, now he looks slightly naive andstupid, the plot is leisurely, without unexpected twists. But that atmosphere, spirit and images shown on the screen capture even an experienced spectator in the 21st century.


"Cool Walker" - a series of actors in whichlaid out to the full, corresponding to the spirit of his time. In the years when it was broadcast, it was a mega-popular show, both in America and in Russia. However, in many other countries he enjoyed no less demand from the audience.

chuck norris steep walker

Today it remains popular and interestingTV show, but more like an object of nostalgia, than a truly catching spectacle. In any case, he still has a large number of fans to this day.

The image of Walker is inextricably linked now with Chuck Norris, who even after retiring from cinema continues to be considered one of the most outstanding and talented movie actors in the genre of militants.

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