/ / Works about the war. Works about the Great Patriotic War. Stories, stories, essays

Works about the war. Works about the Great Patriotic War. Stories, stories, essays

Many decades away from usevents of 1941-45, but the theme of human suffering during the Great Patriotic War will never lose its relevance. This must always be remembered so that such a tragedy will never happen again.

A special role in preserving historical memorybelongs to the writers, together with the people who have experienced all the horror of the wartime and managed to truthfully portray it in their works. The masters of the word completely crossed out the well-known words: "When the cannons speak, the muse is silent."

works of war

Works of literature on the war: the main periods, genres, heroes

Terrible news June 22, 1941, painresponded in the hearts of all Soviet people, and the first to respond to it were writers and poets. For more than two decades, the theme of the war has become one of the main themes in Soviet literature.

The first works on the theme of the war were imbued withpain for the fate of the country and are filled with determination to defend freedom. Many writers immediately went to the front as correspondents and from there chronicled events, created their works in the hot pursuit. At first they were operative, short genres: poems, stories, essay essays and articles. They were waited eagerly and re-read both in the rear and at the front.

works on the theme of war

Over time, works about the war were becomingthey were already stories, plays, novels, heroes of which were strong people: simple soldiers and officers, toilers of fields and factories. After the Victory, a rethinking of the experience begins: the authors of the chronicles tried to convey the scale of the historical tragedy.

In the late 50's - early 60-ies of the work onthe theme of the war is written by "younger" writers-front-line soldiers who have visited the front line and past all the hardships of soldier's life. At this time, there is a so-called "lieutenant's prose" about the fate of yesterday's boys, who suddenly found themselves in the face of death.

"Get up, the country is huge ..."

Perhaps, in Russia not to find a person who does notI would learn the draft words and melodies of the "Holy War". This song was the first response to the terrible news and became the anthem of the belligerent people for all four years. On the third day of the war, verses by V. Lebedev-Kumach sounded on the radio. And a week later they were already performed to the music of A. Alexandrov. To the sound of this song, filled with unusual patriotism and as if bursting from the soul of the Russian people, the first echelons were sent to the front. In one of them was another famous poet - A. Surkov. It belongs to him no less famous "The Song of the Bold" and "In the Dugout".

Poets K. went through the war. Simonov ("Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of Smolensk ...", "Wait for me"), Y. Drunin ("Zinka", "And where are the forces suddenly coming from ..."), A. Tvardovsky ("I'm killed near Rzhev") and many others. Their works about the war are imbued with the pain of the people, anxiety for the fate of the country and an unshakable faith in victory. And also with warm memories of the home and the people who are close to them, by the belief in happiness and by the love that can create a miracle. The soldiers knew their poems by heart and read (or sang) in the brief minutes between the fights. It inspired hope and helped to survive in inhuman conditions.

«The book about the fighter»

A special place among the works created during the war, is A.Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin".

works about the war 1941 1945
It is a direct evidence of all that a simple Russian soldier had to endure.

The main character is a collective image, inwhich embodied all the best qualities of a Soviet soldier: courage and courage, a willingness to stand up to the end, fearlessness, humanity and yet extraordinary cheerfulness that persists even in the face of death. The author himself went through the whole war as a correspondent, so he knew well what the man saw and felt in the war. Tvardovsky's works define the "measure of personality", as the poet himself said, her spiritual world, which can not be broken in the most difficult situations.

"It's us, Lord!" - a confession of a former prisoner of war

Fought at the front and visited the writer K. Sparrows. Experienced in the camps and became the basis of the story, begun in 1943. The protagonist, Sergey Kostrov, talks about the real torments of hell, through which he and his comrades who were captured by the fascists had to go through (it was not accidental that one of the camps was called the "Valley of Death"). People, exhausted physically and spiritually, but not lost faith and humanity even in the most terrible moments of life, appear on the pages of the work.

About the war they wrote a lot, but few of the writers inthe terms of the totalitarian regime told about the fate of prisoners of war. K. Vorobyov was able to get out of the trials he had prepared with a clear conscience, a belief in justice and an immense love for the Motherland. His characters are endowed with the same qualities. And although the story was not completed, V. Astafyev rightly noted that in this form it should also be "on the same shelf with the classics".

"In the war you will recognize people really ..."

A real sensation was the story "In the trenchesStalingrad "by the writer-front-line soldier V. Nekrasov. Printed in 1946, it struck many with an extraordinary realism in depicting the war. For the former soldiers, it became memories of the terrible, nothing obscure events that they had to endure. Those who were not at the front read the story and were amazed at the frankness with which they talked about the terrible battles for Stalingrad in 1942. The main thing that the author of the work noted about the war of 1941-1945 is that she exposed the true feelings of people and showed their real value.

works of art about war

The strength of the Russian character is a step towards victory

12 years after the great victory, a story was publishedM. Sholokhov. Its name is "The Fate of a Man" - symbolic: before us is the life of an ordinary chauffeur, full of trials and inhuman suffering. From the very first days of the war A. Sokolov finds himself at war. For 4 years he went through the torments of captivity, more than once walked a hair's breadth from death. All his actions are evidence of an unshakable strength of spirit, of love for the Motherland, of steadfastness. Returning home, he saw only the ashes - this is all that remained of his house and family. But even here the hero was able to resist the blow: little Vanyusha, whom he had sheltered, breathed life into him and gave him hope. So the care for the orphan boy dulled the pain of his own grief.

man in war works

The story "The fate of a man", like other works about the war, showed the true strength and beauty of a Russian person, the ability to resist any obstacles.

Is it easy to stay human?

V. Kondratiev is a front-line writer. His novel "Sashka", published in 1979, from the so-called lieutenant prose. In it, without embellishments, the life of a simple soldier, who turned out to be in hot battles near Rzhev, is shown. Despite the fact that this is still a very young man - only two months at the front, he was able to remain a man and not lose his dignity. Overcoming the fear of a near death, dreaming to get out of the heat in which he turned out, he does not think about himself for a moment when it comes to the life of other people. His humanism manifests itself even in relation to the unarmed German prisoner, in which he can not shoot conscience. Artistic works about the war, like "Sashka", tell of simple and brave children who made a difficult moral choice in the trenches and in complex relationships with others and thus decided the fate of their own and all the people in this bloody war.

Remember to live ...

Many poets and writers have not returned from the fieldsbattles. Others went through the war side by side with the soldiers. They were witnesses of how people behave in a critical situation. Some humble themselves or use any means to survive. Others are willing to die, but do not lose self-esteem.

works of war literature
Works about the war of 1941-1945 iscomprehension of everything seen, an attempt to show the courage and heroism of the people who stood up for the defense of their Fatherland, a reminder to all living people of the suffering and destruction that the struggle for power and world domination bears.

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