/ / Vladimir Korn: biography, books, creativity and reviews. The book "Death squad", Korn Vladimir

Vladimir Korn: biography, books, creativity and reviews. The book "Death squad", Korn Vladimir

In this article we will consider the work of the well-knownRussian writer Vladimir Korn. To date, from his pen came out more than a dozen works that found their audience among readers. Vladimir Korn writes his books in a fantastic style. It pleases the fans of his work with various turns of the plot.

vladimir korn suicide squad

Vladimir Korn: Biography

It should immediately be noted that the writer himselfLittle is known, despite the fact that many of his books are read. His personal life is not on public display, and nothing is known about his childhood years and the period of his becoming as a writer.

There is information that Korn Vladimir was bornin Irkutsk, and began to publish his works in 2012, working with the publishing house Alfa-book. Perhaps this is all the information. To date, he does not even have a personal page on popular publishing resources or social networks. It remains to be hoped that in the near future he will satisfy the curiosity of his readers and share at least insignificant personal information.

A series of books "Artois"

Vladimir Korn began his writing career withbook, which was included in this series. She immediately won many positive reviews and found her fans in the year of publication (2012). Let's enumerate all the works that were included in this series afterwards:

  • "Student's pupil." Written in 2012.
  • "Gold of Vaihov" (2012).
  • "The Star of the Horn" (2012).
  • "Beach of the Skardar" (2012).
  • "The Palace for the Beloved". This book was published in 2013.

What can we say in general about this series, whichcreated Korn Vladimir? It is written in a haphazard genre, when an unremarkable person (though possessing multiple virtues) is in a completely different world, and there begins a new life.

vladimir korn all books

The protagonist of the series is a thirty-year-old mannamed after Arthur. His adventures began with the fact that he woke up in a completely unfamiliar place, being sure that it was a dream. However, all doubts were quickly dispelled. And the adventure began. Arthur began to adapt in a new world for himself, which was very similar to the earthly Middle Ages. Very suitable for a man who is tired of the modern technological world, where there is no place for adventure, dueling and the like.

The second book of the series tells about the events thathappened three years later, after the main character got into this world. He is waiting for new adventures, a journey through the Empire, where he now lives. And it all started with the fact that the protagonist received a special card for saving the beautiful young lady and went looking for gold ... In addition, during this time Arthur acquired a baronial title and a small cozy house in Dronnedra, the capital of the Empire. Also I got a wonderful black Arghal horse.

In the third book of this series,As baron Artois met his love, and it turned out to be very similar to the girl from his dreams, and even the empress. Of course, everything could not be simple and easy, on the way to happiness they were waiting for pain and betrayal, but in the end everything ended logically - a wedding.

The fourth book is a wonderful continuationfirst three. Artois, in the recent past an alien from Earth, who had nothing, became a king, marrying his beloved empress. He had three children. Also in this part of the work, Artois turns his kingdom into a sea power.

The last book of this series is "The Palace for the Beloved"- tells about the events that happened ten years after Arthur got into this world. During this time a lot of good things happened. However, the enemy does not sleep. It was at this time that the Empire was attacked. Of course, everything ends well.

In the end, it should be noted that the fans of thisgenre series of books "Artois", which was written by Vladimir Korn, I liked. Many noted the ease of writing style, humor. Of course, there were also negative reviews, but they are lost against the background of positive ones.

Vladimir Korn books

A series of books "Heavenly Wanderer", or "Lucanuel Soringer"

This is another popular series of books created by Vladimir Korn. It was written in 2013-2014, it includes three books. We list them:

  • "Heavenly Wanderer" (2013).
  • "The Way to the Crimson Island" (2013).
  • "Dangerous Heavens" (2014).

The series is somewhat different from the previous one. In it, events occur in one world, there are no accidental hits in another, and after - a desperate desire to survive there. The series tells about a native of the world who does not know the power of electricity and steam, but due to the amazing properties of one of the local stones, he learned aeronautics. Yes, there is a special way of transporting goods, people are air ships. It is about their owner and will be discussed. And, of course, about the adventures.

In the second book of Lucanuel Soringer, the ownerair ship "Heavenly Wanderer", goes to the Crimson Island, concluding a strange contract. During this journey, he saves a friend, deals with the old enemy, and also finds ancient treasures.

The last book in the series brought together manypositive feedback. Many fans of the creativity of the author consider it to be one of the strongest. It tells about a mysterious black ship named "Night Killer". The main character encounters him.

A series of "Eighteen capsules of red color"

This series consists of two books. The first one is called - "Eighteen capsules of red color." The second book was called Vladimir Korn "Death squad". The series tells about the post-apocalyptic world into which our Earth has become. The main character Gleb was infected with a disease, because of which people begin to mutate, if not to take special capsules.

The second book, written by Vladimir Korn,"Death squad". This is the continuation of the first part, which tells about the miraculous cure of the protagonist, and then about his further adventures on Earth after the disaster.

vladimir korn

A series of books "Christian Floyd"

Vladimir Korn (all the books are listed in the article)continued to transmit his fantasies to readers. In 2016, he started a new series - "Christian Floyd." In it until one book entered - "The Guardian of Liberty." Gangster fighter of our time, but in a different world. An interesting work about the money stolen from criminal authorities, and after - various adventures because of this.

root vladimir

Other jobs

In 2013, Vladimir Korn, whose books are sopopular, wrote a work that has not yet entered into any series. It's called "Darius Dorvan. Mercenary". The hero of the same name took up an assignment that he did not like. It has good pay and relative ease, but the hunter's intuition is not silent. Of course, this will make a great adventure.

Vladimir Korn books


As you can see, Vladimir Korn, all of whose books welisted above, continues to write his works, delighting readers with these. Many of them note the increased professionalism of the author. In any case, to evaluate it, you need to read at least one book.

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