/ / Melodramas. Rating of the best domestic and foreign films

Melodramas. Rating of the best domestic and foreign films

It is convenient to get in front of the TV or go withfavorite person in the cinema to watch a romantic film - one of the best prospects of a quiet evening. Fantasy writers and the work of directors give the viewer a huge selection of quality comedies, action films, horror and thrillers. But sometimes you want to watch a movie about love. About real feelings that make the world spin. After all, no genre of cinema can not do without friendship, betrayal, love and justice. The whole spectrum of human feelings includes melodramas. The rating of these films is conditional, since "there are no comrades for taste and color". Below is a selection of melodramas, where each viewer will find the film liking.

Why we love melodrama

Melodrama, unlike other genres of cinema, moredeeply reveals the feelings and emotions of the characters. In films of this category, good and evil, love and hate are often contrasted. Heroes fall into difficult situations, they have to give up their principles, ideas, desires. Often the hero of the film must demonstrate all the facets of his character: perseverance, flexibility, dedication, kindness and responsiveness.

The main theme of melodramas is human relations. Love, hate, envy, friendship, betrayal, betrayal - this is all that is to varying degrees present in the life of each person and more vividly reflected in the melodrama.

melodrama rating

Because women are softer and compassionateby nature, they mostly prefer melodramas. The rating of their favorite melodrama can make any spectator. Someone likes old movies, someone prefers modern, someone closer Russian movies, and someone - foreign.

Indian film

One of the first foreign melodramas in the heartOur viewers included Indian films. They were distinguished by the brightness of the costumes, the excess of gestures and, of course, the songs. Young people and older people went several times to the cinema for the same films, fell in love with the black-haired handsome men and loud-voiced girls. This kind, emotional and musical films include elements of comedy and action movie (remember the "biting" fights). But still the main films that have become part of the classics of Indian cinema are melodrama.

melodrama rating of the best

Rating of the best old Indian films:

1 "The Disco Dancer" (1982).

2. "Zita and the Gita" (1972).

3. "The Great Power of Love" (1984).

4. "Love affliction" (1982).

5 "Insight" (1984).

6 "The Time of the Monsoons" (1969).

7. "Blessing, or Fourteen Years Later" (1969).

Soviet melodramas

The rating of Soviet films can not do withoutknown melodramas. Of course, unlike Bollywood works, domestic films are not so musical and emotional. Despite the presence of wonderful songs and music, sincere experiences of the characters, our films are calmer, more familiar.

Heroes and heroines of films are ordinary people, with problems, loneliness, sadness and belief in a brighter future. An indispensable feature of the characters of Soviet films is diligence and nobility.

melodrama rating russian

Today, a lot of good films, but alwaysThe smile of emotion is caused by old Russian melodramas. The rating of the best Soviet melodramas is well-known and close to the hearts of every Russian person:

1. "Moscow does not believe in tears" (1979).

2. "Time of Desire" (1984).

3. "Know Me" (1979).

4. "Love of the earth" (1974).

5. "Be my husband" (1981).

6. "Interdevochka" (1989).

7. "Friend" (1987).

8. "Station for Two" (1982).

9. "Little Faith" (1988).

10. "You never dreamed" (1980).

Top foreign melodramas

Hollywood is the forge of the world's movie stars and films,holding the leading position in any "movie-tops". Interesting fact: people with different language, culture, life views gather in cinemas around the world to watch the same films. In any corner of the earth there is a man who empathizes with the heroes, sharing their feelings, rejoicing for them. Classical melodrama is not replete with special effects, it captivates its viewer with emotions and feelings of the characters on the screen.

russian melodrama rating

The Russian audience very warmly accepts foreign melodramas. The rating of the best paintings is based on a survey of participants in the informal club of movie lovers.

Foreign melodramas that were released in 2015 until 2015:

  1. . "Hurry to love" (2002).

  2. The Titanic (1997).

  3. "When a man loves a woman" (1994).

  4. "With Love, Rosie" (2014).

  5. "The best in me" (2014).

  6. "Nights in Rodanthe" (2008).

  7. "Cats and Mice" (2006).

  8. "Gloria" (2013).

  9. "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (2008).

  10. "P.S I Love You" (2007).

Modern Russian melodramas. Rating.

Russian films are very popular today. The entire Russian film industry is developing rapidly. Almost every week, premieres of films are broadcast on the central channels. Millions of televiewers are waiting for the weekend to rest near the TV. Watch a touching story about the lives of compatriots, and adequately removed with their favorite actors, gather viewers of all ages.

The best Russian melodramas. The rating is based on the opinions of the viewers:

  1. "Call and I will come" (2014).

  2. "Incomplete young man" (2014).

  3. "Queen of Bandits 2" (2014).

  4. "The House of Sleeping Beauties" (2014).

  5. "Another woman" (2014).

  6. "Photo on documents" (2013).

  7. «Dandelion» (2011).

  8. "The Winner" (2009).

  9. The Redhead (2008).

  10. "Rowan waltz" (2009).

Russian melodramas, whose rating is presentedabove, bring to the screens of young talented actors and well-known and beloved viewers of the masters of this genre. The heroes of Russian melodramas are close to our viewer in that they live with him in one "space": time, country, culture, problems.

On the big screen, domestic filmmakers try to bring out films of other genres: comedies, historical dramas, insurgents. Although the elements of melodrama always remain an integral part of these works.

But the Russian TV program always includes a variety of melodramas. Rating Russian films are made at the expense of actors, a plot and director's work.

The best "fresh" melodrama 2015

Half of 2015 has already passed. And most importantly, there were long winter evenings and rainy days of the first half of the year, this is the time when the movie was on the first place in the list of entertainment. Now, plunging into the warmth of the summer sun, you can recall the movies and TV shows you watched.

Winter and spring of 2015 were remembered by fans of melodramas with the following films:

  1. "Battle for Sevastopol" (Russia).

  2. "Fifty shades of gray" (USA).

  3. "Century Adalin" (USA).

  4. "The Last Night" (Russia).

  5. "Barista" (Russia).

  6. "Knight of Cups" (USA).

  7. "The Far Road" (USA).

  8. "The house in the heart" (Russia).

  9. "Deteriorated" (USA).

  10. "My best novel" (USA).

russian melodrama rating of the best
Good films with a beautiful history and real feelings always give joy, and therefore a favor. Choose and watch the best melodramas of domestic and foreign production.

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