/ / John Cramer: Judge, Executioner and Savior

John Kramer: Judge, Executioner and Savior

John Cramer. This name is not heard except that the most distant from the cinema man. It inspires awe, makes the skin goosebumps, and the hair on the head - to move, as if from a small draft. What is so terrible about this name and why did the movie fans create a real cult of personality, inspired by this character?

John Cramer

Cult character of the landmark franchise

The fact is that John Kramer is the main charactercult franchise "Saw", known as a very cruel, but sometimes quite fair maniac with an extremely sophisticated imagination. With the mere sound of his name, the guilt wakes up by itself, and the brain begins to helpfully remember when we last neglected the gifts of life. Despite his crazy methods and not too healthy motivation, the anti-hero achieves his noble goal: he teaches the viewer that one should appreciate life every minute, every second, regardless of social status or, even more importantly, mood.

john cramer quote

How John Kramer works

It is difficult to accurately calculate how many stray sheepKramer led the way, because the franchise "Saw" has as many as 7 parts, and the creators do not plan to stop there. The character represents Justice in the true form, however, a bit subjective. He judges everyone who squanders the precious days of his life and does not understand the value of every lost moment.

For their unfortunate victims, a maniac intellectualcomes up with the most unusual traps, which work on the principle of the mechanism of a clock bomb. If you manage to fulfill the necessary conditions, then you survive, losing something: legs, hands, a serious piece of skin or hair. If you do not have the courage to play by the rules of the Saw, then the test inevitably ends with your fatal outcome. You can not bypass traps, outwit Pyla, too. If John Kramer decided to "play with you in the game," then be sure that he will bring her to the end. But are you going to finish it to the end?

John Cramer Saw

Infernal John and the frightened victim

It is impossible to overestimate the cultural andThe psychological impact that has produced on the modern viewer John Kramer. Quotes of the character wander around the world, his photos are threateningly watching visitors to themed websites, and the original soundtrack to the movie "Saw" is recognized even by those who watched the franchise only in passing. Cramer's most famous words sound mysterious and very frightening: "Hello. I want to play with you in one game. " He does not mention that this game is completely unhappy, and the player is unlikely to ever want to play it again.

"Those who do not value life are not worthy of life," -says Kramer before the trap closes. And you meet your end. The principle of the trap slightly resembles the principle of the death penalty: you understand that very soon you will go to the forefathers, but you just can not believe it. Adrenaline, which disperses blood throughout the body, helps to think, but sometimes this is not enough to defeat the deadly game of the protagonist.

john cramer actor

The second self of John Cramer

Interestingly, according to the plot in ordinary life, JohnKramer ("Saw") is a very quiet and intelligent person who, it would seem, will not offend the fly. He thoroughly studied all the subtleties of human psychology, so to anticipate the actions of a potential victim in a dangerous situation for him is no problem. He knows all the stages that a person undergoes in a state of shock: negation, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. And John Kramer perfectly understands exactly how the victim will experience all these stages.

Although in everyday life it seems that the fraila gray-haired old man with watery blue eyes can not raise his hand and bite the dog, he has the audacity and intellect to come up with unique traps for his flies in human form. However, Kramer is a kind person, so he always gives the victim a chance to escape. Only he says: "To live or die is the choice for you", thus dumping the entire burden of responsibility on the shoulders of the "player".

John Cramer photo

"Saw" in real life

The actor, who got this role, is suitable fordeclared type of one hundred percent. Tobin Bell - that's who John Cramer really is. The actor gained fame precisely because of this cruel role and more especially did not shine in any project. Perhaps he just had a hard time playing less deep characters, and maybe he just was not as interested as John "Saw" Kramer.

Be that as it may, Tobin Bell often playedserial killers and maniacs. His ability to speak in a sepulchral voice and completely impassive to look at the camera bribes many spectators. The actor received several times the prize for the title of best villain, and I must say that it is absolutely deserved. It is difficult to imagine Tobin Bell in a romantic comedy or even in an average thriller.

John Cramer photo [1]

Hope dies last, and Kramer never

It is difficult to predict what the next role will beTobin Bell, because it is unlikely that someone will succeed him as well as John Cramer. The photo of the actor in the image of the cult character became almost a symbol of films of this genre, and his cold eyes certainly came to the most impressionable spectators in dreams. It remains only to hope that the next part of the franchise "Saw" will really come out and pass censorship in the CIS countries so that it can be enjoyed on the big screen and with high-quality sound. After all, even in the dubbing voice of John Cramer, thanks to the talented work of Victor Bokhon, Nikita Prozorovsky, Dalvin Shcherbakov and Alexander Novikov, does not lose his murderous charisma.

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