/ / Biography of Chopin: briefly about the life of a great musician

Chopin's biography: briefly about the life of a great musician

The famous musician and interesting person is Frederic Chopin. A brief biography of him is set forth in this article. He was born on March 1, 1810, near Warsaw.

Biography of Chopin
The family of the future composer was veryeducated. His father had an officer's rank, served in the army, and then engaged in teaching at the Warsaw Lyceum. He also played the piano, violin and flute quite well. Frederic's mother adored music. Therefore it is not surprising that a great musician and composer was born in such a family.

The musical gift was manifested in his early years, andThe first work was published already in 1817. Frederick's first mentor was Fotech Zhivny. It was he who taught the future composer to understand and love classical music. The boy had a serious ailment - congenital tuberculosis.

Biography Chopin says that the first publicThe concert took place in 1818. Frederic played the piano. In the period 1823-1829 gg. he studied at the music lyceum, and then at the main music school, where his own father taught. There Frederic studied Polish literature, history, aesthetics and mastered other humanitarian disciplines. At that time the future composer was fond of drawing cartoons, wrote plays and poems. During the years of study, Frederic traveled all over Poland with performances, visited Vienna and Berlin. The first style of playing the piano was formed under the influence of Hummel. In the Polish capital, Frederic participated in various musical circles.

Frédéric Chopin brief biography
Chopin's biography narrates that after completion(1830), he gave three big concerts in Warsaw, which became triumphal. In the same year, Frederic went on a foreign trip and forever parted with his homeland. After visiting many European cities, Chopin finally settled in Paris. In 1835, he went to Leipzig, where he saw Shuman.

Frederic Chopin biography

In 1836 the composer became acquainted with the Polisha girl named Maria Vodzinskaya. They began a novel. However, her parents did not give consent to the wedding. These relations lasted only a year, and the young people parted. This leads to the fact that in 1838, Frederic Chopin goes to Mallorca. His biography says that on this island he meets Georges Sand, a famous writer from France. Her real name was Aurora Dupin. In the estate of the writer Frederic often spent the summer. She was for her time a rather eccentric personality. Aurora wore men's clothes and smoked a pipe. However, despite this, the writer had two children. The famous people's novel lasted about 9 years.

Chopin constantly developed his talent andwas implemented creatively, but his mental balance was adversely affected by the gap with George Sand, which occurred in 1848. The composer also experienced the difficulties of the material plan, and his strength was undermining tuberculosis. Chopin's biography shows that in 1848 he went to Britain, but the state of health did not allow the composer to give planned concerts in London. Frederic returned to Paris broken and exhausted.

Chopin's biography tells that in 1849 he died from consumption. He was betrayed in the French capital. However, according to the will, the heart was taken to Warsaw, where they buried in the church.

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