Avito does not work: what to do?
Recently, users of the World Wide Webcomplain that they have Avito not working. An unpleasant phenomenon. But sooner or later it can be unexpectedly encountered. Not everyone knows why it happens. And at such times panic begins. To prevent it, it's better just to figure out what's what. And then the answer to the question about why Avito does not work will come of itself. Of course, it is possible to contribute to the solution of the situation in most cases. How exactly? Let's try to understand this.
It all depends on the situation. If you worked at the computer normally, but suddenly - and Avito does not work, it makes sense to start checking the operating system. It's best to start with the network setup. Quite often, it is the problems in the Internet connection that are not allowed to visit web pages.
Before you start solving the problem, try to visitsome other site. Also failed? It's time to call the provider and learn about the integrity of the transmission line. Has the accident happened? Then wait until the problem is fixed. Then you can resume the attempt to work with the Internet.
Everything is fine? Pay attention to your equipment. Restart the modem, wait a while for it to turn on. Did not help? Remember, whether services of granting of access in a network are paid. If this item is normal, then we'll have to think further why Avito.ru does not work. The same applies to cases in which you are able to visit other sites.
Failures on the main hosting server - one moreThe reason why this or that page does not open. And Avito is here the leader. So if you are all right with the Internet, then just wait a bit. Most likely, the reason for the problem that arose was in the failure.
Independently influence the course of events with such athe situation does not work out. Just try again after 10-15 minutes. Anyway Avito does not work? Go read the news. Avito is a popular trading platform. And if it for a long time, failures have occurred, they will be informed about them.
Thus, the only thing that is required fromyou - to sit and obediently wait for the recovery of the server. Nevertheless, failures occur, but not regularly. A constantly recurring problem requires prompt intervention. Just like the situation where you know for sure that Avito is functioning normally on another computer. What to do? Is it really necessary to reinstall the operating system and erase all the data in order to regain access to our today's Internet resource?
Do not panic. To begin with, try to calm down and think - maybe your computer is just infected with some kind of infection? Often in such cases Avito does not work. And other sites, too. Scan the operating system. Cure her. What can not be restored, will have to be irretrievably removed.
Did not help? Find the hosts file, open it with notepad, erase all the contents and save the changes. Some viruses simply block access to individual sites. And they do not carry any more danger. Removed by the proposed method. You can also permanently delete the found file, clean the computer's recycle bin and reboot. Please try to authenticate to Avito. If the problem was in viruses, then it will disappear.
But not the fact that the situation will be sorunning. Often, especially in the evening, Avito does not work because of the large number of visitors. A banal server overload. It can not be eliminated by user forces. All you can do is sit and wait, as in the case of failures. Sooner or later the number of visitors to the page will decrease. And then you will have the opportunity to work with hosting.
As a rule, if there are suspicions ofoverload, you should update the Avito page in about 5-10 minutes. In case of failure, try again after a similar period of time. As you can see, nothing dangerous is that Avito refuses to work, no.