Configuring Yandex Mail in Mozilla Thunderbird
The article describes the step-by-step configuration of Yandex mail in the program Mozilla Thunderbird. The advantages of such products are obvious: high speed of operation and minimal load on the network connection. Such advantages can not boast of an ordinary visit to the electronic box through the browser. Therefore, experienced users use email clients.

Creating a Drawer
Setting up Yandex mail begins with the creation of an electronic mailbox. To register it, you must perform the following actions:
- We go to the following address:
- In the upper right corner click on the button "Start a Box".
- The form in which you want to specifypersonal data, login, password, security question to restore access and mobile phone. At the bottom of the screen, enter the captcha and press the button "Start the box".
- After that, you will immediately get access to it. This opens the "Quick Setup" window. It can be closed by clicking the "Later" button, which is located in the lower left corner.
Parameterizing the server
At the next stage, the Yandex mail setup isin setting the necessary parameters for connecting Mozilla Thunderbird or similar software products. To do this, click the "Settings" button (located in the upper right corner of the interface, the gear is drawn on it). In the opened window there will be an inscription "All parameters" on the top - we make a click on it. Next we need the "Mail programs" item, which is in the lower right corner. We open it. It is necessary to check the box next to the "" field to allow access to the mailbox from mail clients. Save the changes by clicking the appropriate button.

Installation and configuration of the client
This ended the external setupYandex-mail. Windows 8 and other operating systems from Microsoft must download via browser the installation version of Mozilla Thunderbird. To do this, enter the following address in its address bar: "", go to this page, click the "Download" button. Then we specify the save location (for example, "Desktop").
After the download is complete, install the version,following the instructions of the master. Next, run the program. At the first start, a window will appear, in which we press "Cancel". Right in the work area of the program, select the item "E-mail". At the bottom, we click on the "Skip ..." button. In the window that opens, enter the name, name, mailbox name and password to it, click "Next". Then click on the "Install manually" button. Here you need to change two fields. The first of them is "Inbox". Here we install in the drop-down list "IMAP" and next to it we enter "". Then you configure the outgoing Yandex mail. To do this, in the next line, select "SMTP" and enter "".
You also need to install encryption to protect againsthacking. To do this, set the "SSL" parameter in both lines to "SSL / TLS". After that, click "Test". After the connection is established, the "Done" button will become active. If this does not happen, then close the window and start again with a click on the item "E-mail". Click on this button and go to the main work area. Here in the upper left corner, click on "Get". The program automatically downloads the letters.

In this material, the Yandex mail setting is describedon the example of the most popular client Mozilla Thunderbird. But this algorithm is universal, it can be applied to any other program of this class (for example, The Bat or Outlook Express). Advantages of such organization of work with postal services are obvious - efficiency and minimal load on connection. All this together with the possibility of autonomous work makes this solution the most optimal.