/ / Secret coordinates and secret places in Google Maps

Secret coordinates and secret places in Google Maps

Google Maps is the most popularcartographic service, which was developed by Google in 2005. But we will not delve into the history of its creation, advantages, etc. We'll talk about what there are secret places in Google Maps. Are you interested? Then read this article.

Google Maps - what is it?

As you could already understand, in this article weconsider the secret places in Google Maps. But first for those who do not know, it's worth briefly explaining what "Google Mups" is. In fact, this is a map that covers the entire Earth (for those who do not have enough, you can additionally see the map of Mars and the Moon). Thanks to high-tech Google satellites, such a map accurately and accurately displays even the most remote corners of the planet.

But, perhaps, we will return to our rams. Do you want to find out where are the secret places in Google Map? Read this article!

Secret places in Google Maps

As you know, in Google, they still workmerry fellows. Developers constantly add to their software some chips, Easter eggs, secrets. For example, did you know that if you type Google's phrase "Google Gravity" in the search box and open the first link, you can see how the force of attraction acts on the links, icons and pages of your browser.

And this is only one of a thousand examples. Developers of Google constantly insert into their creations some funny chips. Cartographic service from this company was no exception. Developers have added the so-called secret places in Google Maps. What is it? These are classified and interesting locations that are marked on the map. In this article we will talk about how to find them.

Secret places in Google Maps: coordinates and their descriptions

Secret places in Google Map

Well, let's not drag the tires, and immediately rush off the bat. Below we will look at the most strange places in Google Maps.

By entering coordinates 66.266667, 179.250000 you can observe an unknown site of Siberia, located near Alaska. What is there? This question stirs the minds of many residents of Russia.

Scoring in Google Maps coordinates of 37.7908, 122.3229, you can watch a real plane crash. On the map there is a plane, broken in two. It is not known for certain whether this is a catastrophe or a usual production.

At the coordinates of 36.949346.122.065383, one can observe a skeleton of rather impressive dimensions. It's creepy to even imagine what kind of beast these bones belong to.

If you are a fan of secret conspiracies, the followingthe place will certainly be of interest. By entering coordinates 32.664162, 111.487119, you can see the secret BBC, which is located in the United States of America. What they do on this basis, is not known, but if you want, you can find a lot of the most fantastic theories about this.

By typing in the line of coordinates 54 28 "6.32", 64 47 "48.20", you can observe a rather interesting picture. At this location, the inscription "Lenin 100 years old", which consists of trees, is clearly visible.

Secret places in Google Maps

Fans of sai-fay should dial in Google Map 1956 "56.76" S, 69 38 "2.08" W. On these coordinates is a drawing of a strange creature, which strongly resembles a stranger. Is it the tricks of extraterrestrial civilization?

Well, since it happened, we will not go far away from the topic of aliens. On the coordinates 45.70333.21.301831 you can see a real UFO, which hid among the trees.

Entering coordinates 45.408166, 123.008118, you can observe the aircraft, which is "parked" in the middle of the trees.

Remember, as a child, playing on the beach with a shoveland the bucket, the parents told us something like: "Wow, what a deep hole, a little more, and dig up to China!". We took this as a joke, but, apparently, this was a very real warning. Do not believe me? Then type in Google Maps coordinates 38.85878007241521,111.6031789407134 and see a giant hole right in the middle of China!

Secret places in Google Maps coordinates

By coordinates 44 14 "39.45", 7 46 "10.32" you can see a huge pink hare. It is terrible to imagine a "little" girl who was playing with him.

We all probably heard and read about the notorious Zone 52. By typing coordinates in Google Maps 37.401437, 116.86773, you can also look at this top-secret database.

Service Google Maps helped to solve the murder?

Secret places in Google Maps

Also there is one interesting story that is worthpay particular attention. On the coordinates of 52.376552, 5.198308 one can consider the reservoir of the city of Almere. Pier, trees, beautiful scenery - everything would be nothing, if not for one detail. In the photo you can see a man dragging a corpse to the lake. Google satellite captured a small pier, several figures and a suspicious track, which can be taken for blood. But everything is not as it seems at first glance. In fact, there was no murder.

As later, one authoritativepublishing house, on the map was shown the retriever Rama, who went out for a walk with his mistress Jacqueline Kenen. The dog simply jumped into the water, then ran to her mistress, who was standing on a wooden pier. Rama left a wet trace behind itself, which internet users took for bloody.

Shed light on this "murder" helped the mistress of the dog, who saw the photo on the Internet.


In fact, Google Maps has many more secretplaces. In this article, the most interesting of them were considered. We hope that you will be lucky, and you will find more than one mysterious place on the map. Do not forget to share your discovery with other users!

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