/ / What is an avatar and what does it eat?

What is an avatar and what does it eat?

Today there are many new and sometimes on the Internetcompletely incomprehensible words for us, such as Skype, spam, flood, userpic and much more. This article will discuss what an avatar is. Believe me, if you are going to become a user of social networks and various forums, you can not do without it.

What it is?

which means the word avatar

So, what is an avatar and what does it eat? If you thought that it was going to be about James Cameron's famous box office, you were wrong.

This word has many meanings. But in this case, the avatar is a small picture, a photo with which the user of a social network or forum shows other people their appearance, essence, nature or hobbies. This is a kind of "electronic shower" of the user.

What is an avatar? This is your face in the global Internet. Thanks to a certain picture that a person places on the forum or in a social network, other users get some idea about it. Therefore, it is very important to make the avatar right, so that it matches you as much as possible. In this case, you can easily find a common language with those who are interested in the global network.

Where to use the avatar

what is an avatar

Avatar is an image that replacesInternet is your face. If you want to participate in the life of various forums, communicate in social networks or find your soul mate on a dating site, without an avatar simply can not do.

It is located under the name (nickname)the user. It can be seen on your personal page, and it is displayed every time you comment on or publish your notes, answer someone's questions or ask them yourself. Thanks to this picture, other users "see" to themselves the one with whom they communicate, or rather the one you want to show them. So without an avatar, a person is simply faceless and is of no interest to anyone. Therefore, its importance is not even worth telling - here and so everything is clear.

What does the word avatar mean?

The history of creation and creation of an avatar is a mystery,covered with darkness. It is still unknown who invented this term and who first started using it. But it is reliably known that this word carries a divine meaning.

In the book entitled "Myths of the Nations of the World" there isinterpretation of the meaning of this concept. This Sanskrit word (avatar means "descent"). According to the records, the avatar is the deed of the Hindu sovereign god (Vishnu or Shiva). Namely - his ascent to a sinful Earth and reincarnation into a mortal being (physical form) for the restoration of law, order and virtue in this world.

What is the avatar?

make an avatar

Yes, whatever. It can be your photo or not yours. Various pictures of nature, frames from movies or computer games, photos of famous actors and musicians, images of cars, motorcycles, animals and much more.

There are several types of this picture on the Internet. Most often there is a two-dimensional model of the avatar. This is a kind of "icon", as it is called by users. More rarely - a three-dimensional model, which is represented in multi-user online games. You can meet an avatar, completely consisting of text.

So, the avatar is static or animated. Here everything is simple. Static means immovable. That is, the picture does not move. With animated - all the way around. Here there is some movement, blinking, glow, and also other very diverse effects. Such avatars attract attention of other users.

How to create an avatar

The main thing is to choose the right picture,which will talk about you on the Internet. In social networks or on dating sites it is best to use your real photo as an avatar. If, of course, you want your acquaintance to go into real life. Do not put pictures of celebrities instead of your photos, so as not to mislead other users. And some social networks and dating sites generally do not take pictures or images on which it is impossible to discern a person's face.

what is an avatar

On the forums, the image of the avatar is not sodemanding. You can put anything here. Most often on the sites already have a list of pictures from which you can choose your avatar. But if it does not, then you have to download the picture from your computer. Choosing between a static picture and animated, it is necessary to remember that the Internet connection plays an important role here. The size of the "moving" avatar is much more static. Therefore, if the speed of your Internet is small (less than 128 Kb / s), pages with animated pictures will be loaded slowly.

So, let's sum up. What is an avatar? In the modern world, on the Internet, this word means a graphic representation of a real user. A small picture, which tells about the person interlocutors and, in general, all who are online.

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