Search engine audit sites
Beginner webmasters often facethe situation when the Internet resource promoted by them seems to be filled with high-quality, unique content, clearly structured and equipped with intuitive navigation, but the number of its visitors does not increase, and the place in the issuance of search engines is far from the top. Independently identify the problem and find a suitable solution to this situation is quite difficult, so to increase the profitability of the project and increase its rating, it is recommended that
During the complex analysis of the Internet resourceSEO specialists provide an exhaustive assessment of the characteristics and potential of the website being promoted, as well as its competitive environment. In addition, the webmaster is provided with recommendations for increasing the attractiveness of the project, not only for potential visitors, but also for search engines. As a result, the cost of website promotion is reduced, and profit, on the contrary, increases.
One of the key components of a comprehensive analysis of web resources is a search audit, from the competent implementation of which depends
Also, as a result of a search auditweb page reduces the cost of attracting customers through high-frequency queries and significantly increases the number of visitors, which led to the promoted site low-frequency traffic.
Such impressive results are achievedSEO-specialists by selecting potential queries that are potentially interesting to the clients of the project being promoted (that is, at this stage, the semantic core of the web page is determined), developing an understandable structure for visitors
Internet resource or its improvement, detection oferrors in the configuration files and in the site code, the definition of obstacles to correct indexing and ranking factors, the analysis of existing project statistics and setting up additional, as well as the audit of the reference mass of the untwisted resource. After the analysis, the webmasters not only provide a list of detected errors, but also recommendations for their elimination.
We are grateful to the SEO-specialists of the web-studio for help in preparing the material.</ em </ p>