/ / What is traffic

What is traffic?

What is traffic? Translated from English, if you say literally - street traffic. This is the amount of data, expressed in kilobytes, passing through the server for a specified period of time. Internet traffic, in other words, it's attendance.

The attractiveness of a particular site or itssection for the advertiser very much depends on the number of visitors for a certain unit of time. How to determine the site traffic? For this purpose there is an indicator of the number of unique visitors per day. Also there is an indicator for the day, month, etc.

What is traffic? This, in simple words, visitors to the site. Usually webmasters calculate traffic daily. What is it for? It can be used for profit. Visitors' traffic is often the main source of earnings on various sites, along with the sale of articles and links.

Let's continue to talk about what traffic is, and what kinds of it are. Target and non-target traffic.

If a visitor searches through the search engine for a phrase (for example) "online play poker", and gets to your site that offers registration in poker rooms - this is an example of targeted traffic.

An example of a non-target will be visitors coming from different exchanges as a result of traffic exchange.

The implication is that the target traffic- this is the most profitable and desired traffic. Earnings are directly related to the number of visitors, and therefore attendance (and also registration) here plays a crucial role.

Internet traffic is considered qualitative, ifOne hundred visits account for at least a couple of sales of goods (or two or three registrations). Low-quality traffic is when no sales are registered for the hundredth visit.

If the site has at least some kind of attendance, then place in moderation on it any advertising materials: banners, reviews, blogs, etc.

Traffic attraction, methods:

1. Optimization for SEO - (this is, you can say, a whole science of attracting traffic from various search engines (Google, Yandex, etc.) The point here is this: you need to break into the top ten of search engines for certain key queries. its resource of various visitors.

How to do it?

First you need to choose a topic for writingtexts, after picking up one keyword (low-frequency), corresponding to the topic, and according to which we will move on. Analyze the competitors for our chosen key. After that we start to write the text with the adjustment to our competitors. Next, we analyze the written text for relevance and bring it to perfection. And, finally - the publication!

Internal optimization - the text is written,optimized for a specific key query. Further, they analyze possible competitors and try to surpass them, rewrite them, conduct analysis for relevance. If there is no top-ten after all the work done, then it is necessary to proceed to optimization of the external one, i.e. insert links with the required anchors.

2. Optimization of SMO (for social networks). This set of specific measures is specifically aimed at attracting traffic through various social communities.

SEO is still better - once you do, and traffic will go by itself, and SMO need to constantly redo it to more fully attract traffic. There are five rules of SMO traffic:

  1. support link popularity - you need to do everything to make it interesting on your site to link to social networks;
  2. Simplify the addition of the site to xml - tapes, social networks and forums;
  3. Encourage referring to you;
  4. export and import of content promotion using links to the original source;
  5. encourage users of your content.

So we figured out what traffic is and how to increase it.

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