/ / Registration in search engines and directories - as a stage of website promotion

Registration in search engines and catalogs - as a stage of website promotion

Registration in search engines - an integral partpromotion of a new site. The first thing is to look at the statistics. Almost one hundred percent of users find unfamiliar interesting sites in the results of their search queries.

registration in search engines

Registration in directories and search engines can befor example, using a special program that allows you to add the site address to search engines. However, the work of search engines is arranged in such a way that they can eventually find a new resource themselves. There are also special methods that help the search engine discover the resource.

You can, for example, add a link to a site in the social bookmark or create a useful answer with the addition of a URL to the popular service of questions.

But despite this, independent registration in search engines gives full confidence that the site will be studied by a large number of people in the near future after its launch.

site registration in search engines free of charge

There are a lot of special programs on the Internet,with the help of which the site is registered in search engines. You can download all these applications for free, without any effort. These utilities are called "addurilki". The word came from the sound of English "add URL".

In order to register in search engines wassuccessful, there are addurliki separately for each search engine. There is no point in thinking where to register the resource first, and where registration can and should not be done. The most reliable way is to add the site address to all possible search engines and their catalogs. After all, the operation is completely free, and most importantly - necessary, and there are no shortcomings.

registration in catalogs and search engines

Of all the known Internet search enginesThe most multiplayer in the Russian-speaking segment is Yandex. According to the analysis of activity, about half of new visitors to the site find it through this search engine.

A slightly smaller percentage of users leads to an unfamiliar resource Google - a search engine that leads the entire virtual world.

The next in terms of reliability and popularity can be called the search engine Rambler. It was also created by Russian developers.

Russian-language projects or sites whose subjectsaffects the Russian segment of the Internet, should also be registered in the Aport system, which is a full-text search engine and in which the features of the Russian language play a significant role in the process of processing a search query.

Registration in the search engines does not requirepreliminary actions, except for adding the URL to the Yahoo! search engine This service has the status of the second leader in the Internet. And to add here your resource, you must first register in the search engine and get a personal universal identifier - ID. Adding a site to the database of this system, it will be simultaneously accessible through the search engine Altavista, which belongs to the same Yahoo.

Other possible search engines for registration are Microsoft, the Mail.Ru search engine, the clustering system of the Russian Internet Nigma, and the developing Turtle search system.

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