/ / How to make a broom from a plastic bottle with your own hands

How to make a broom from a plastic bottle with your own hands

With the advent of autumn, there is a need for cleaningfallen leaves. Rakes in such situations are practically useless. In this case, you can use a broom made of plastic bottles. The finished device is ideal for garden work. Since it is very simple to make a broom from a plastic bottle, this tool is often used for cleaning construction debris. It's convenient and practical. In addition, there is a suitable material in every house.

how to make a broom from a plastic bottle

What is needed for this

So, how to make a broom from a plastic bottle. This is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. To begin with, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary tools and material. To make a broom, you need the following items:

  1. Plastic containers, the volume of which is at least two liters.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Awl.
  4. A hammer.
  5. The stalk, preferably wooden.

How to make a broom from plastic bottles step by step

First you need to prepare the material. In this case, the shape, as well as the color of the containers, does not matter. The main thing is to find the quantity of material. Since it is desirable to make a broom from plastic bottles qualitatively, it will take about seven plastic containers with a volume of two liters.

The material should be thoroughly washed, preferably inwarm water. That labels and the rests of glue easily departed, it is necessary to soak them for about half an hour. After this, the container should be thoroughly washed and dried.

how to make a broom from plastic bottles

What to make a stalk from

It's hard to imagine a broom without a handle. In this case, use the shank. This part of the broom can be made of various materials. Ideally fit stalk of wood. Also, as a handle, you can use a plastic pipe of small diameter or a metal rod.

How to cut bottles

So, how to make a broom from a plastic bottle you need to be careful, it is worth cutting the containers with scissors. If this tool is not at hand, it can be replaced with a very sharp knife.

One of the plastic bottles should be cut offbottom. It can be safely thrown away. The bottom of the bottle you will not need. The lower part of the container must be cut into strips. Their width should be up to two centimeters. As for the length, it can correspond to the size of the bottle. However, this parameter should not be too large. Otherwise, the broom will not be rigid.

how to make a broom from plastic bottles step by step

Also, plastic bottles should be cut off the neck. All containers should be prepared in the same way. Only one of them needs to leave a neck.

We collect a broom

So, how to make a broom from a plastic bottle,neatly cut into strips. It's simple. Prepared workpieces should be inserted one into one. At the sixth bottle you need to cut the neck and bottom so that the ring turns out. It must be put on the blanks gathered together. The ready broom should be gently squeezed in the sides to give it the optimal shape. Then in the design you need to make holes with an awl and fasten everything with a wire.

In the neck of the bottle you need to insert the stem and fix it. The broom is ready.

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