/ / Simple Needlework - Beadwork for Beginners

Simple needlework - beadwork for beginners

Various threads of beads and simple chains - that'sthe simplest products that can easily master those who are interested in beadwork for the most-most beginners. Meet the manufacture of fashionable, modern and beautiful beads.

Single-colored beads from beads or glass beads can be decorated with various elements from colored beads, having executed on them the following details: pimples (loops) and flowers.

Bumps or loops

On a thread treated with wax, a number ofbeads of the main color (5-20 pieces) and then beads of a different color (from 1 to 6 pcs.). Returning, we pass the needle through the penultimate bead or through the first bead of the color series. We pull the thread and get a loop or pimples that will decorate the string of beads. In the same sequence we knit the remaining length of the length of the decoration. As you can see, this is an exciting and creative activity - beadwork for beginners is quite affordable.

Original colors of sixpetals-beads of colored beads, placed on a string of beads. You can make straps to the top or dress, neck decoration, bracelet or belt in the technique of beadwork, for beginners it is important in the beginning of work to determine the length of the future product and prepare the appropriate thread. For such a product, taking into account the fact that you need an additional length of thread for stringing the flowers, prepare a thread of at least 120 cm.

We type on the thread the first row of monochrome beads(10-30 pieces). Next, we type on the needle beads for the flower - 4 pieces of another color and 1 bead for the middle of the flower. Return and pass the needle through 4 beads of petals, pull the thread and again thread on the needle 2 more beads of the flower and again pass the needle through the first 4 beads of petals, attracting the thread. Then again, the bottom beads are the main color for beads. Through a certain number of beads according to the sketch again the bottom of the flower and so on.

Tips on how to make easy beadwork for beginners

In order not to be upset because of any annoying mistakes at the very beginning of mastering this fascinating handicraft, it is worthwhile listening to the advice of already experienced masters.

  • Keep the work always in the left hand, while the right lead the working thread.
  • Beads attract tightly to each other, notallowing sagging beads. But do not tighten the product too much, so it does not warp. Over time, you will get used to and will feel the tension of the thread and beads well.
  • Keep the beads the same in size and color, then you will get a good result - a beautiful decoration.
  • Learn how to fix the thread. If you string the beads onto the nylon thread, then enough to set the thread to fix the end of the work. If the thread is cotton, leave the end at least 6 cm. After completing the nesting, go back and thread the thread with a needle or thread-threader through the holes of several beads strung before. Carefully trim the remaining tip of the thread with scissors.
  • If you have not calculated with the length of the working thread, andyou need to extend it, do not get upset and do not think that you have to dismiss everything and begin work again. Use the technique to fix the end of the thread. Pull the new thread through the holes of several beads already threaded on the working thread, make a pair of fastening nodules and continue working.
  • Keep beads and bugles while working inIndividual containers (rosettes, lids or jars) or on the surface of a fleecy fabric, so that the beads do not roll out on the table and do not mix in color. This will help to make your beadwork even easier, for beginners a good support.
  • Keep materials for work in separate jars closed with lids.

In time, after a good workout, you can master the beadwork of a tree, for beginners it is better to practice the techniques of lowering simple elements.

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