/ The Glass Vase. Decoupage

Glass vase. Decoupage

Sometimes it happens sometimes - I want something urgentlychange in the interior of his apartment. But, unfortunately, not always our desires coincide with our own capabilities. That financial situation does not allow you to change the design, then there is not enough time, or even a rented apartment does not allow creative imagination to play out. And something new horror, as you want.

In such cases, I advise you to hang a new onea picture on the wall, change the covers on the chairs, repaint the windows in the kitchen, hang bright curtains in the bedroom, buy a new shower curtain in the bathroom or make a decoupage of the old familiar dishes. It can be watched tea cups, a porcelain tray, a soup tureen from a service presented for a wedding fifteen years ago, or an ordinary old, still grandmother's vase.

Decoupage is a very interesting direction inhand made art. With the help of it, you can radically modify completely familiar objects. Decoupage is mainly based on cutting out paper, fabric, cardboard, napkins of various pictures, sticking them on the surface with subsequent processing.

vase decoupage


The history of the appearance of decoupage is not exactly known. Most likely, his homeland is Eastern Siberia, although his name was given to this type of art in France. In translation from the language of Bonaparte, découper means "cut out." Previously, decoupage was called "art for the poor" because of the fact that the work used the simplest materials.

Glass vase. Decoupage

For decoration, we need a vase or a bottle of wine, in a form reminiscent of the first. You will also need:

  • primer;
  • white acrylic building paint;
  • artistic multicolored acrylic paints;
  • a napkin or a paper towel;
  • building acrylic lacquer;
  • PVA glue;
  • a few sponge or cotton pads;
  • a few brushes of different sizes;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper;
  • water;
  • directly the vase itself.

Decoupage of products

Step 1

Vase thoroughly washed and degreased. For these purposes, suitable dishwashing liquid, spray for washing windows, lacquer or any other alcohol-containing solution. Cover our vessel with a primer of deep penetration and allow it to dry out.

Step 2

We cover the first layer of the vase with the paint necessary for the background color.

Step 3

When the paint is dried, cover the next layervases of glass with acrylic lacquer. This is done in order to level the surface. Then the napkin or fabric chosen for decoration will lie as tightly and neatly as possible. Let the varnish dry out.

Step 4

Next, we glue to the vase carved from a napkindrawing. You can use PVA, and you can varnish, so it will even better grasp. We must be extremely careful: to avoid wrinkles, carefully smooth the napkin. If the wrinkles are not avoided, after drying them, we sandstone the emery.

vases of glass

Step 5

Now it's time to go to the top partvases. A paint that differs from the main background is drawn along the neck. The width of the strip depends on how you imagine the vase at the end of work. Top with varnish to fix the result. So our vase is ready.

ceramic vases

Decoupage of what surfaces is possible at home?

Decoupage can be almost all surfaces, butthe most popular are: wood, glass, ceramics, porcelain, plastic, cloth. Modern needlewomen successfully decorate with colorful unusual patterns of mirrors, plates, wooden plaques (which later replace paintings on the walls), cabinets, frames, ceramic vases.

The benefits of decoupage

Decoupage is a pleasant and useful activity, it allows a person to reveal his creative abilities, his secret potential, to relax and dissolve in the process.

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