/ / Creating quilling paintings - an exciting lesson!

The creation of a quilling picture is an exciting activity!

More and more fans appear at the technicstwisting paper called quilling. The paintings made in this way are unusual and beautiful. They are not in the least shameful to present as a gift, decorate them with their home or workplace. Everyone can create such a masterpiece, the main thing is patience and a little practice.

quilling painting
Returning to the origins of this techniquetwisting paper, it should be noted that it arose long ago, back in Medieval Europe. Its name was derived from the phrase "bird feather", since just at the beginning of the XV century, when the nuns created medallions, the paper with gilded edges was twisted at the tip of the pen. Going beyond the monasteries, quilling paintings have become popular among the general population. But, as is often the case, everything beautiful is expensive, and since the paper was not affordable and not cheap, only noble persons could afford to create such masterpieces.

In the modern reality this artdeveloped well in the West, but got a second birth by hitting the East. It was there that connoisseurs of beauty gave the process of twisting paper elegance and ease due to the use of various adaptations, special material, creative approach to manufacturing. The fact that for a long time sought in the art of origami, was reflected in the technique of quilling. The paintings created with her help, despite the external fragility, are strong enough. So, for example, if you put a cup on a stand made in the style of quilling, then the pattern does not fade, the paper does not crumble and will not bend. Of course, this is provided that the craft is made qualitatively, and not after the sleeves. And even if you build a candy vase from the smallest curls, you can safely add content to it, the risk of product breakage is negligible.

painting pattern quilling

In order to create beautifulquilling paintings, you need to learn this art. You can find and attend master classes, chat with those who are not new to this exciting enterprise. In every creative endeavor, there are their little tricks, after acquaintance with which the process of creation of the craft will become more clear and understandable. At the very beginning of the journey, in addition to special paper, you will need tools - an awl, tweezers, scissors and glue.

Quilling picture
Later you can buy a special set, inwhich includes: a tool like an awl, stencils of a certain kind. Creating quilling paintings, whose schemes are diverse, depending on the creator's preferences, one should not forget about the accuracy. On how thoroughly the work will be done, the final result curls.

There are more than twenty waysforming the elements of the picture. Collapsed paper can compress, twist or, on the contrary, loosen tension - similar manipulations are made depending on what the finished pattern will be.

Carrying out author's quilling paintings, photos can be shown to familiarize with your creativity colleagues on this interesting lesson.

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