/ / Safety when crocheting: maybe you did not know this

Safety in crocheting: maybe you did not know this

It is not known whether statisticalcalculations of knitting people on the whole Earth, but it is obvious that the figure would be impressive! Of course, most of the girls encountered crochet and knitting needles in one way or another during school hours. But to really appreciate the merits of the most popular hobby is possible only in the adult years, when there is experience and the concept of style develops.

knitting needles and rules for their use

It is interesting that a multimillion-dollar audience,operating with sharp knitting needles, hooks, needles and other piercing-cutting objects, rarely thinks that there are safety rules for crochet.

Rules? What for?

The main reason for the development of safety engineeringknitting became just the aforementioned school lessons. Specifically for the training program, a list was compiled of what should and should not be done by students with the equipment issued to them.

safety for crochet work

Basically, safety in knittingcrochet and needles is reduced to the fact that all tools should be used for their intended purpose, do not poke anyone in the eye and do not test their strength and other people's skin for strength. All rules meet basic common sense.

Safety during crochet and knitting

In more detail about the content of the rules of safe knitting:

  1. Needles, hooks and needles should not be brought to face.
  2. These items should be stored in the appropriate cases, cases, boxes and boxes.
    case for needles and hooks
  3. If in the process of knitting you will need to work with a large number of needles, pins and spokes, they need to be recounted before and after knitting.
  4. Tools should not be sharpened too much, this can lead to injury.
  5. Do not use items that have rust. In addition to health hazards (in the case of scratches), they can also spoil yarn or fabric.
  6. Safety during crocheting forknitting includes an item about the disposal of broken needles and pins. They need to be put in a special container, packed in thick paper and taken out in a trash can.
    rules for handling needles
  7. If you want to knit the knitted fabric with a pin,it is injected into three punctures. Thus, the sharp edge will always be on the visible surface. However, if a chopped product is planned to be used, it is better to take care that the pinpoint is between the two layers of the fabric.
  8. When working with scissors they are always put in rings to themselves, and the blades are left closed. If it is necessary to transfer the scissors should be turned rings to the receiver.

What does "sanitary and hygienic norms for knitters" mean?

Labor protection involves not only protectionpeople from the damaging factors, but also the creation of comfortable and convenient conditions for the most effective work. In this respect, the safety of crocheting and other sharp objects includes the following items:

  • Work should be in a place that is well lit. In this case, the light source should be on the left side (or on the right, if the master is left-handed).
  • The posture of a knitter must be straight (many people will surely take a deep breath when reading this line).
  • That the unfinished cloth is not dirty,to start knitting preferably after the hands are washed. After the end of knitting, they also need to be washed, so as not to transfer small villi and particles of yarn to the face or food.

Knitting and children

It's no secret that many fanatical knitters"Hooked" on this hobby is in the decree. So, in order to protect yourself and your child, you need to carefully monitor that he does not have access to sharp instruments.

safety technology for crochet and knitting

Safety rules for crochetand the spokes are elementary. However, as often husbands, relatives, friends, and even to be silent, the masters themselves sat in a chair stuffed with knitting needles! Left for a "moment" work is often firmly and permanently occupies a part of the sofa, and frightened households do not dare to touch it with their finger.

safety rules for crochet

An excellent output is leadsome deep box for current projects. It is convenient to add everything you need. And most importantly, it easily moves to a closet, under a bed, behind a curtain, in a word, to a place where there is no danger for anyone.

Especially for crazy knitters

When knitting is really engagedcreative man, he is possessed by an eternal and unquenchable desire to create and invent. This thirst makes them day and night to sit on their projects, plan, draw, adjust and, of course, knit.

how to knit without the risk of injury

For such people, hopelessly and forever in love with design, safety technology for crocheting is the need to at least briefly break away from their offspring.

It's not just about scoliosis and deposition of salts,but also the skills of communicating with other human beings. Living in his cozy world, not for long and miss something important, such as a couple of years of life.

safety in crochet

Practical value of recommendations

So, safety when crocheting -the question is important. It should be taken seriously and paid attention to compliance with the rules. Accustomed to negligence with sharp and cutting objects and losing vigilance, you can wait for quite unpleasant consequences.

Safety during crochetis designed not just for a red word, so it's worth it to get yourself into the habit of fulfilling its basic requirements. Perhaps this will contribute to the preservation of the physical and mental health of household members and pets.

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