/ / Napkins for cleaning the house. Their types and dignities

Napkins for cleaning the house. Their types and dignities

Each hostess cares about cleanliness and safetyhis house. To do this, she has in her arsenal a considerable amount of funds for the care of furniture, dishes, clothes and many other things. Cleanliness in the home contributes to good health and normal health.

Napkins for cleaning.
To significantly facilitate the cleaning process andreduce the amount of used funds on the basis of chemical components, scientists in this field have invented special wipes for cleaning the house, which have different positive properties, which contributes to the effective performance of the functions assigned to them. From which material they are manufactured and for what purposes are intended to be dealt with further.

Napkins for cleaning from viscose

Viscose is a natural material derived fromwood pulp. Thanks to the special processing of fabric and the addition of silver ions, napkins made of this natural material are ideal for daily cleaning. They do not scratch the surface, effectively clean them and disinfect. Using napkins from viscose for cleaning, you can be sure that the fungus and other parasites are no longer scary. Suitable for wet cleaning in the kitchen and bathroom.

Microfibre cloth.
Microfibre cloth - the latest development for cleaning in the house

Appearing not so long ago, napkins made of microfibermade a real sensation. This latest development won all the housewives by the fact that the cleaning process ceased to be painful and, most pleasantly, no longer required the use of any detergents. How is this possible? Very simple. Microfiber wipes are made by woven two polymers (polyester and polyamide) into one very thin thread. The result is a napkin made up of ultra-fine fibers. They, in turn, give it an antistatic effect. This provides deeper and more effective cleaning of the contaminated surface, destroying all the bacteria that are on it. There are different types of napkins made of microfiber, which are used for different types of cleaning:

  • with terry texture: suitable for all types of surfaces, for wet and dry cleaning;
  • wipes for cleaning with a smooth texture: mainly used for glossy surfaces and glass. Their application provides an incredible
    Napkins for cleaning the house.
    shine and sterile purity;
  • suede: designed for polishing wooden, metal and glass furniture. Also used for porcelain and dishes.

Napkins for cleaning from cellulose

Such napkins are considered environmentally friendly andsafe, because they are made from vegetable fiber. They perfectly absorb moisture, so they are suitable for cleaning kitchen surfaces and washing dishes. Choose such napkins should be in terms of thickness and size. The thicker the napkin, and the larger its size, the better and more durable it is. Napkins from cellulose have antibacterial properties. Destroy fungi, unpleasant odors and bacteria.

When choosing cleaning napkins, do not save on the cost, because it is an indicator of the quality and longevity of the product in this case.

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