/ / How to mold Santa Claus with plasticine with your child?

How to mold Santa Claus with plasticine from his child?

As a rule, before the New Year holidays inall children's circles the main theme becomes the creation by own hands of the most different winter characters. And first of all children mold the main characters of the New Year - it's Santa Claus or Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. In this article, you will learn how to mold from Santa Claus's plasticine. You will not need a lot of materials. The main thing, be reserved with patience and imagination.

The easiest Santa Claus from plasticine

For modeling the most simple modelki of everyone's favoritecharacter New Year's holidays you need plasticine red, white, flesh, black and green. First, put on a flesh colored ball. This will be the basis. Then from the red mass form a cap and stick it to the ball. From the black mass, make two small black boots.

how to mold out of Santa Claus's plasticine

Then make a white plasticine fur and pomponnear the hood. To give the necessary texture, treat the fur and pompon with an old toothbrush. Then again, from the white plasticine blinded beard. To do this, roll a few small sausages and stick to the face. Take a small piece of flesh-colored mass and make a nose. Blind eyes from two black pieces.

To Santa Claus from plasticine lookedinteresting, make him a candy. To do this, roll three sausages of white, green and red colors. Twist them, curl in the form of a candy and stick to our character. Now you know how to mold from Santa Claus's plasticine simply and quickly!

Santa Claus cap

If you do not want to sculpt this character entirely, then you can do with one cap. If you sculpt from polymer clay, you can make a beautiful ornament in the form of earrings.

Santa Claus from plasticine

First, blend a cone of red plasticine. Then roll the sausage and one ball of white plasticine. Stick the fur and pompon to the hood. Done!

Santa Claus as an interior decoration

Let's say that you are bored with simple figures. But you can make Santa Claus out of plasticine and decorate your apartment with them.

to make a grandfather of frost from plasticine

Take the plasticine of red, corporal, black andwhite flowers. First, blind the basis of flesh color. Select a wide nose and leave room for the eyes. Blind beard and eyebrows from white plasticine. For a beard, roll a long sausage and stick it to the face of Santa Claus. In the same way, make a mustache and eyebrow. Then make two eyes from two circles of white plasticine. Paddle them with circles of black. Eyes are ready! Then make a white plasticine fur and pompom on the cap. Gently, with the help of a stack, give the texture a beard, mustaches, eyebrows on the head and fur on the hat. To the cheeks of Santa Claus become rosy, put on them a shade of red. Now you know how to mold Santa Claus with plasticine with a long beard.

Full-length figurine

And now we try to make Santa Claus out ofplasticine in full growth. If you do not want to spend a lot of material, then first roll a piece of foil, which will serve as the basis for Santa Claus. A lump of foil must be crushed very well to make it dense. Otherwise, you can spoil the figure in the process of modeling.

grandfather frost from plasticine master class

Clothe the lump of foil with red clay. Decide in advance, thin or thick will be Santa Claus from plasticine. The master class, which you are now sculpting, though difficult, but with it a junior student can quite cope.

Then make a face-colored face from plasticineand hands and stick them to Santa Claus. From the black mass, form boots, eyes and a belt. Then from white plasticine make a belt, fur on sleeves, beard, fur and pompom on the cap. Using a stack or toothpick, form a texture of the coat and beard. Plaque on the belt make of yellow plasticine. If desired, it can be covered with golden paint.

Simple rules that must be observed when modeling

Before dazzling from the plasticine of Santa Claus,be sure to wash your hands and wipe the table with a slightly damp rag. So you avoid getting dust on the clay, and it is very prominent, especially in white. If desired, you can make a plasticine model for papier-mâché. And if you want Santa Claus to be durable, it's better to mold it out of polymer clay. Fantasize! Clothes for Santa Claus do not necessarily make red, you can take other colors.

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