What is an installment plan? Terms of installments. Installment agreement
Today,purchase of goods in installments. This is due primarily to the convenience of this type of payment, as well as its availability. At the moment, you can buy everything by installments, starting with household appliances and ending with cars and even real estate. But what is an installment plan? How does it differ from standard loans in a bank? And what are its advantages?
About installment in a nutshell
According to the general concept, installment representsa certain type of payment for services and goods. It involves calculating not immediately, but after a certain period of time. In this case, all payments are carried out in parts. And the principle of charging these amounts is regulated by the installment agreement and Article 489 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
What is the difference between installment and credit?
In contrast to the usual bank loan,payment by installments is issued on an interest-free basis, or the interest is much lower than on a loan. In addition, it does not provide a commission for service. Often a certain percentage (in installments) is already included in the cost of the goods themselves.
Also, some companies claimcalled interest for risks (most often it applies only to those customers who first turn to a particular store). For example, this is how the network of shoes, women's bags and accessories Westfalika comes in. Customers who have applied for the first time here for the purpose of receiving goods in installments can buy products in the amount of 18,000 rubles, which will be paid within 3-5 months. The share of so-called insurance will be 3% of the total amount.
Unlike a loan, installment does notbank, and directly the seller (producer) of the goods. Accordingly, the whole procedure takes place at the point of sale in which you buy the goods. Installment in a bank is already a loan. That is, installment does not presuppose the presence of any intermediary between the seller and the buyer. Pay attention to this fact.
Like credit, installment allows the buyermake payments in installments. However, unlike bank loans. it is issued for a short period of time: from 1 to 10 months. More rarely the period can be extended to 1-2 years. At the same time, as well as credit, installments may include making a down payment. Its size is 10-50% of the total cost of the chosen product or service. Terms of installments assume that the amount you will pay monthly, in equal installments.
Among other things, the loan provides for the presence of collateral. Installment does not require this, because in this case the product itself, issued in the store, automatically acts as the subject of a pledge.
Finally, the procedure for issuing a loan is sufficientlong and complicated, requires the borrower to have a positive credit history. You also need to provide a lot of documents. To get an installment plan is much easier and faster.
Where can I arrange goods in installments?
Little to know what installment is. It is necessary to get exhaustive information about where it can be issued. In most cases, installments can be issued directly at the point of sale. For example, it could be a supermarket, a furniture store, a car dealership, a real estate agency, etc.
You can get installments online. For example, this is what permanent or new clients of the Eldorado trading network can do.
How do I make an installment plan online?
Virtual installment agreement or application for itcan be issued in real time. For this purpose, as a rule, you need to enter the official website of the trading network and perform the following actions (their set may vary depending on the policy of the company and the credit institution):
- to study the current rules for the registration of installments;
- select the items of goods that are covered by installments (usually they are marked with special notes);
- add selected items to the cart;
- choose the method of payment and delivery (for example, payment by card and self-delivery);
- go to the "Installment by installments" tab;
- fill in the established template of the application with indication of the name, phone number and other personal information;
- Confirm your choice by pressing the appropriate key.
Then, if your application for installment will beapproved by the store, the goods you selected in the trading network are postponed and prepared for purchase. After it is ready, a message will come to your mobile phone. In addition to this notice, there may be a reminder of the execution of the passport agreement. And at the final stage, the buyer, as a rule, arrives at the point of self-export with a passport, approaches a loan officer and after processing the documents goes to the cashier and receives the deferred goods.
What documents are needed for payment in installments?
List of documents each seller isyourself. Usually payment by installments provides for the execution of a contract only on a passport. More rarely, to obtain this alternative type of consumer loans, representatives of trading companies require additional documents for identification. For example, it could be the original driver's license, military ticket, pension certificate or passport. In addition, some organizations need to provide other documents:
- the original of the certificate on the composition of the family (issued at the place of residence);
- the original of the certificate from the place of work (it indicates the name of the client's position and the salary for the last 3-6 months);
- certificate of marriage or divorce.
What are the types of installments?
Since you already know what installment is, it makes sense to study information about its types. In total, installments can be divided into five varieties:
- non-interest bearing;
- long-term;
- short-term;
- individual;
- with interest accrual.
Interest-free installments mean the originalpayment by the user of the first installment in the amount of half of the total cost of the goods. The remaining part of the funds under the contract of installments is paid by the buyer in about a month.
Long-term is an installment saleor services for a long period (up to 1-2 years). Their alternative is short-term installments, issued for a period of 1 month and up to a year. Individual installment is deferred, the terms of which are selected taking into account the material condition and other features of the client. Installment with interest - the ability to pay in installments with interest on the balance of the amount. In some cases, the organizers of the action can use a mixed type of installments (where, for example, an interest-free and individual loan variant is combined).
What can I do in installments today?
Currently, installment (for a year, two or less) allows you to get into the property of anything. Most often this way you can buy the following types of goods:
- household appliances;
- furniture;
- audio and video equipment;
- computers, tablets and laptops;
- cameras and telephones;
- inverters, household generators and other electrical appliances;
- dishes;
- sports accessories (for example, mats, simulators, equipment);
- baths, saunas, jacuzzi;
- kitchen and garden equipment;
- equipment for the house, villa, office;
- clothes and accessories;
- chandeliers and curtains;
- windows and doors;
- real estate objects;
- motor transport;
- agricultural animals, etc.
Also some companies in installments provide certain services (for example, installation and installation of plastic windows).
Who can get installments?
Do not know what installment is, but never with itdid not collide? Then you just need to know about who can claim it. The citizens of the Russian Federation at the age of 23 and up to 70 years, who have a residence permit and permanent residence, work, as well as those who receive regular income, can apply for installments.
Sometimes sellers prefer to be safe, and therefore citizens over the maximum age are offered - in addition to the main package of documents - to provide collateral or guarantor.
What does the installment contract contain?
As we said earlier, the installment plan involves the conclusion of a contract (by analogy of the loan agreement). What points are included in this document and under what conditions is it?
Each installment contract contains:
- contact information of the parties (F. I. O. of the buyer, the legal name and address of the organization providing the goods in installments);
- the subject of the contract and the obligations of the parties;
- price of goods provided by installments;
- cost of services (storage, packaging, etc.);
- responsibility of the parties;
- signatures of the parties.
You can pay by installments on the Internet, at the banks' cash offices, through terminals.