/ / Payments for CASCO: what you need to know

Payments for CASCO: what you need to know

In the contract of voluntary insurancecases in which the insurer undertakes to make insurance payments under "CASCO" are prescribed. In the event of such a case, you should immediately contact the support service of your insurance company to register it. Also you, if necessary, will help to call the tow truck.

Next, you should call an emergency commissioner,which will tell you how to act in a specific situation. Also it is necessary to immediately call the traffic police, provide the data of your policy and find out similar information from another participant in the accident (name of the insurance company, policy number, owner's name or company name to which the policy was issued).

To receive payments for "CASCO", you needcompiled SAI certificate to provide to the insurance company. If your fault in the incident is not obvious, do not sign the protocol, wait for the court's decision. If the court finds you guilty, your insurance company will pay compensation to both you and the second party to the accident. If the court decides that the second participant was the culprit of the accident, the insurance company will have to pay compensation for the damage caused to you.

insurance payments for motor hull insurance
In the event that your car after an accident on the go,you can come to the insurance company on it to be inspected and photographed. If on the contrary, agree with the expert about the meeting at the SRT. After determining the damage, processing all documents, your case will be reviewed by the insurance company. Payments for CASCO will be made on time.

If your car is not in the mortgage and yourthe bank has given permission for this, then payments will be made in cash on hand. If the machine is purchased for own funds, then the bank's permission is not required. In addition, payments can be made to the account at the service station where the car was repaired. This is also possible with the permission of your bank.

To receive payments for "CASCO", you needto observe a certain procedure of actions, and also to have all documents available (a certificate of an accident, a resolution on an administrative violation case or a copy of the protocol, if they were not given out to the traffic police). In the insurance company you need to get a copy of the document, which indicates the amount of damage and the amount of compensation.

reimbursement of damage under the hull
Do not forget to receive one copy of the contract for the provision of services to assess the cost of repairs.

Payments for "CASCO" can be quitesignificant, often they are much higher than the "OSAGO". The maximum amount of such payments is not determined. It is installed in the event of a complete loss of the car, its theft or loss for another reason (robbery, unlawful actions of third parties, fraudulent actions).

However, compensation for CASCO damage is sometimesis associated with the delay in payment by the insurance company. There may be several reasons for this, among them inattention or insufficient literacy of insurers, who do not read the signed contracts. It is quite possible to avoid troubles if you pay attention to the content of the contract and, if necessary, make appropriate changes in your favor.

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