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Home Insurance: Security Designer

A responsible, experienced insurance agent is neverrushing the client. He will talk in detail about all the terms of the contract, patiently explain every nuance and readily respond to any, stupidest question. Unfortunately, such specialists are rare, and going to the nearest insurance company, it is better to determine in advance the main points, such as the breadth of insurance coverage.

Objects of insurance

So, home insurance or apartment, as a rule, includes 3 components.

  1. The actual insurance of a dwelling, more precisely, its constructive elements: walls and stairs, floors and partitions, rough floors, balconies and loggias. Including only this object in the insurance policy, you can protect yourself from an earthquake or fire, but from flooding an apartment or robbing it this policy will be useless.

  1. Liability Insurance. Such a policy will help in the event thatthe insured caused damage to the housing and property belonging to third parties, for example, flooded the neighbors. This policy should be considered if the neighbors from the bottom are wealthy people who invested considerable funds in repairing their own apartment.

Unfortunately, the civil liability policyhas a significant disadvantage: the insured can only be the owner of the house or apartment. But the people registered on the living space, as well as tenants do not have such an opportunity. There is another nuance: the policy of civil liability will not be issued by any insurance company, if the insured has started repairs in his own apartment.

  1. Insurance of finishing and engineering equipment includes the largest list of risks. This can be robbery and robbery, mechanical damage and bay, fire and natural disaster. To the objects of insurance of finishing are: all kind of painting and plastering works, facing and pasting of ceiling and walls, any combustible elements of ceiling, walls and floor, window and door constructions. In addition, the insurance cover protects all the built-in furniture: kitchens, dressing rooms.

Insurance of engineering equipment will protectHeating and plumbing systems, cables, meters and wiring. The landlord or tenant can choose, as a standard package, including all of the above objects, and independently determine the part that needs protection, for example, an exclusive finish of the ceiling or walls.

Sometimes allocate one more component of insuranceapartment or house - protection of movable property. To it carry all furniture, except the built in, household equipment, other valuable things. But as a rule, the property protection agreement goes in one bundle with the insurance of the finish, being an integral part of it.

And again about the risks

The most difficult thing that awaits everyone insure a house or an apartment in an insurance company iscompiling a list of risks. To insure real estate from everything is impossible, from much - expensive, and "narrow" coverage does not make sense at all. For example, if the contract specifies that the housing is insured from the Gulf due to the fault of third parties, then the company will not exactly pay compensation in the event of a water pipeline accident. Therefore, you need to clearly define in advance: what risks are most likely in your case, and in the process of formalizing the policy - carefully read into each word of the contract.

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