/ How many teachers in Moscow? How much does a primary school teacher get?

How many teachers in Moscow do they receive? How much does a primary school teacher get?

Quite recently, a couple of years ago, the professionthe teacher was associated with the school, the walls of classes, a board on the whole wall of the office and lessons for young listeners of lectures. Now this is a much broader activity than imaginable. Teachers in our lives can find work for themselves everywhere. These include the same teachers of school and gymnasium buildings, and lecturers with professors of technical schools, colleges, as well as higher educational institutions. In addition, there are now a huge number of courses, preparatory sections, centers of excellence, there is a huge number of online academies and training sites, and even the same instructors in fitness, yoga and dance can consider themselves to be real teachers.

In this article we will analyze which specialties of this profession what knowledge and qualities are required, and also consider how many teachers of different kinds of destinations in Russia's cities receive.

how many teachers receive

Teaching profession

Teachers are the people we face onthroughout life. It seems that they were next to us, only when we were sitting at the training desk, however it is not so. We always learn something and quite often prefer to do it under the guidance of a real professional who, due to his official duties and experience, will present us information in an accessible and easy way.

Teachers have a difficult profession. Still, after all, they have to work with people. With a lot of different people. Everyone needs to find an approach, each one needs to convey the essence of the educational material. In addition, there are complex personalities in the life of teachers who not only do not want to understand the subject of their work, but also try to touch the teacher himself.

Especially often this behavior is observed amongaudience of 7 to 20 years old. That is, just the school and colleges. One should only wonder at the endurance of our heroes of labor. And how much the primary school teacher receives, for example, does not at all fit in with the titanic work that he does in his professional activities.

how much does the primary school teacher receive

Personal qualities of teachers

As already explained above, the teacher's work is closelyis connected with society. So, the main qualities of the teacher (any orientation) is the ability to understand this very society, do not pay attention to the stress factor, be prepared for a huge amount of communication. A person in the role of a teacher must have a certain degree of charisma, so that he would like to listen. Peacefulness and calmness, the ability to behave in the hands is also important for such a specialty.

Teacher Education

Work in educational institutions dealing withtraining of children and adolescents, requires the availability of pedagogical education. Together with the profile subjects in pedagogical institutes, future teachers will learn the subtleties of the psychology of children of a given age. Technical colleges, colleges and higher educational institutions from their teachers no longer require knowledge of pedagogy, since there they deal almost with adults or really adults. The main thing here is a perfect knowledge of one's own subject, as well as an understanding of your students. That is, without psychology, a teacher can not do without anywhere.

how many teachers are in school

Places of work for teachers and teachers

Let's start with the fact that the teacher can work both instate institution (municipal schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges and technical schools, universities that are on state accreditation), and in commercial establishments. In the first case, the salary will be established by the appropriate authority, in the second case - by the director of the organization. There is a third option. The teacher can provide tutoring services at home or with departure. How many teachers receive different methods of work, consider below.

how many teachers in Moscow

What determines the salary of teachers

In educational institutions of the average general, secondaryprofessional and higher vocational education there is a salary. How many teachers receive in the school depends on the salary and the number of lessons they have taken in excess of the norm. They are respectively fixed and paid separately. In commercial training centers the situation is somewhat different. How many teachers receive depends on the number of students who paid their lessons, the duration and amount of classes, as well as the cost of one or another direction, which they undertook to teach. The work of tutors is not much different from this option in terms of salary. How many tutor teachers receive, also depends on all these parameters. Only they get their honestly earned money not from the employer, but from the customers directly.

how much is the physical education teacher

Work in government structures

Work in public educational institutions hassome pluses. How much a teacher should receive depends not only on the amount of salary and the number of extra-curricular activities, but also on premiums of various kinds. In addition, there are some guarantees that the commercial organization does not always offer. For example, in commercial training centers very often most of the salary is labeled "black." That is, there are very few funds for retirement and social deductions, which will necessarily make itself felt in the period of sick leave, leave, maternity leave or retirement. State structures are obliged to pay salaries formally.

how much should the teacher receive

Commercial structures

Commercial structures are also good in some ways. The salary there is usually several times greater. Especially if the center is sufficiently publicized and known, and also if it offers unique directions of study in its own way. The higher the demand for services, the more teachers have earnings. Yes, and thanks to this very "black" salary, the personal income tax is deducted much less than for people who receive only a "white" salary.

how many teachers of mathematics

Allowances and bonuses for teachers

At the moment, for teachers of stateThere are three types of additional payments: remuneration, allowances, bonuses. Payment is made in two ways. In the first, the director himself decides what interest rates and during which period to carry out incentive payments, in the second the payment is a one-off.

So, what do they pay teachers for? All these payments are regulated by the Ministry of Education. Among them, encouragement for attracting new teachers and young specialists to the educational institution, assessing the students in the USE, preparing students for various competitions, testing, olympiads, attracting parental assistance to the school, improving academic performance, preprofile preparation and additional circles, creating their own methods, extra-curricular activities with gifted children, as well as improving the skills of the teacher himself.

Salaries of teachers in different cities

How much does a primary school teacher get? In most cases, vacancies are marked "By agreement." This means that the salary will depend on the competence and experience of the applicant. Accordingly, the better the specialist, the higher his salary will be. In St. Petersburg, a primary school teacher will receive a minimum of 20 thousand rubles. Basically, the cost of the teacher's work in this city varies between 35 and 50 thousand.

How many teachers in Moscow receive - already differentquestion. Everyone knows that the salary in the capital is much higher than in other regions. In Moscow, this figure starts from 60 thousand rubles. There are marks in seventy and eighty thousand. For a public school teacher - this is a good salary. In commercial institutions, the mark also reaches up to one hundred thousand.

In Volgograd, the amount of the teacher'sclasses in comparison with Moscow and St. Petersburg is simply ridiculous. There the teacher will receive from 11 to 20 thousand. The average amount is 15 thousand rubles. In Rostov-on-Don, wages are slightly higher, but still very far from desired. In this city, it ranges from 15 to 25 thousand on average.

How much does the physical education teacher receive in differentcities? In Moscow, this amount is an average of 50 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, the same specialist will receive from 20 thousand rubles. In the Crimea, a physical education teacher will receive from 20 to 35 thousand rubles. In Rostov-on-Don, the same specialty is estimated at 20,000.

How many teachers of mathematics do you get? In Moscow, this specialist will work for a salary of fifty thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, his work will be valued at around 35,000. In Volgograd, again, the salary is ridiculous - from 10 to 15 thousand. In Rostov-on-Don, the figure is again around 20 thousand rubles.

From all this we can conclude that a worthythe salary in the state structures at teachers only in Moscow. In other cities teachers have to work a lot overtime and sometimes at once in several positions.

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