/ / To whom the district coefficient is paid

Who is paid the district coefficient

Nuances of payroll is useful to knownot only an accountant or a human resources specialist. First of all, such knowledge is necessary for the workers themselves. It is important to understand what sums up the final sum to protect your rights. District coefficient - one of the surcharges, which is guaranteed to the employee by law.

district coefficient
Such a privilege is a condition of payment for labor,applied by the employer. The district coefficient is effective if the employee works in difficult climatic conditions. For many Russians living in a large country with different climatic zones, such assistance is particularly relevant. The coefficient mentioned above is primarily applied in the regions of the Far North. But there are other regions, in which there is also a surcharge. The main objective of this benefit is to raise wages.

The size of the surcharge

District coefficient to the wages of those whoworks in the manufacturing industries in the Far North, according to separate regulatory acts established for each region and its constituent regions. Depending on working conditions and residence, the coefficient can be from 1.5 to 2.

district coefficient to wages

According to the Labor Code, companies have the rightapply coefficients that are determined at the federal or regional level, while fixing them in the employment contract, as well as various agreements. It is important to note that local authorities can establish an additional regional coefficient, but not higher than that established by federal legislation.

How do they charge?

This surcharge is issued to the employee according to the actualworkplace, even if the employer himself is located in another region. For example, when the main office is in the capital, and the employee works in a separate unit in the Far North.

The same applies to the traveling characterwork. For example, if an employee from time to time on work travels to the Far North, then the district coefficient is calculated in proportion to the days that he was on a business trip. At the same time, the coefficient should be calculated for the entire amount of the salary, taking into account all payments, bonuses and various rewards.

It is also calculated for compensation payments and benefits. These include:

  • for continuous work experience or for the title;

  • for long service;

  • the so-called "annual" bonuses on the results of work for a quarter or year;

  • for access to state secrets in connection with work;

  • for work at night, the combination of several professions and positions.

district coefficient of Moscow
But at the same time, there is a part of the salary, on which the coefficient is not charged. Namely:

  • material aid;

  • different types of payments, which are calculated by the average amount of earnings (vacation, training or training related to training);

  • percent salary surcharges for work in the Far North and the Far East, as well as in the south of Eastern Siberia;

  • incentive payments that are issued at a time and are not officially included in the wage system.

Many are wondering whether the capital of Russia isThe list of subjects where the district coefficient operates. Moscow on the climate is not equated to the regions of the Far North, so this surcharge is not paid here.

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