/ How to check the dollar for authenticity. Denominations of which face value are forged?

How to check the dollar for authenticity. Denominations of which face value are forged?

The US dollar has long beenone of the most popular currencies in the world. Its turnover is huge, and you can exchange it in almost any country. In this case, the US Treasury argues that the number of counterfeit notes is very small - 0.01% of the total mass. This is due to the fact that this currency has a reliable system of protection against counterfeiters, and methods of manufacturing it are very difficult to reproduce. Do you know how to check the dollar for authenticity? Study the article carefully, and it will be almost impossible to deceive you.

how to check the dollar for authenticity

Denominations of which face value are forged?

Most often the object of interest of counterfeitersbecomes a $ 100 banknote. And recently, violators of the law as a basis for forgery take a real denomination of a smaller denomination, bleach it, and then print on it the famous portrait of Benjamin Franklin. So it turns out to be a realistic fake, if you do not know how to check the dollar for authenticity. Another similar method is to add zeros to the banknote.

Are fake denominations of a smaller denomination?

Yes, banknotes of 10, 20 and 5 dollars are forged anddistributed among persons without a fixed place of residence who do not know how to check the dollar for authenticity, or in low-income areas. The purchases made by the new owners of the forgery are very small, and the sellers do not pay attention to the bills, so they can be easily sold. But to take 50 or 100 dollars without suspicion, the money carrier should look much more presentable.

The safest in this regard are 1 and 2 dollars. They are unattractive for scammers, so the system of their protection against forgery is much simpler than in other denominations.

How to distinguish a real banknote from a fake?

Here are a few ways to check dollars for authenticity, so as not to fall for the bait of scammers:

  • Denominations of a new sample (with the exception of $ 5) haveelements with color-changing ink. To see them, take a banknote and tilt it back and forth, while the number in the lower right corner will become green, then black.
  • One of the simplest known methods of howcheck the dollar for authenticity, - view the watermark. It is visible on the lumen on both sides of the bill, because it is not printed on a particular side, but is included in the structure of the paper itself.
  • Portrait on a banknote and his water imagemust coincide. If the 100-dollar bill was tampered with bleaching, you will see a picture of Abraham Lincoln, which is printed at $ 5, instead of Benjamin Franklin. It looks like this:

how to check dollars for authenticity

  • Plastic protective tape. It is also visible in the light from the front side of the banknote. At $ 10 and $ 50, the protective strip is located to the right of the portrait, and at $ 5, $ 20 and $ 100 it is to the left of it.

how to verify the authenticity of $ 100

  • This strip in the real bill reacts to ultraviolet light: at 5 dollars it glows blue, 10 - orange, 20 - green, 50 - yellow, 100 - pinkish red.
  • Serial number. At each denomination it is unique, it must be printed exactly and clearly, and twice - on both sides of the portrait.
  • Microprinting. On real bills there are elements that can be read only under the magnifying glass, for example, the inscriptions around the portrait and the denomination of the banknote on the protective strip: USD 5 for USA dollars, USA TEN for 10, USA TWENTY for 20.

Paper, paint, printing

This is another three degrees of protection for each banknote,thanks to which it is very difficult to forge. The paper at dollars is dense, but thin, rough, with impregnations of dark blue and red stripes which are not printed from above, namely are included in its structure. It is made of textile fibers - cotton and flax, and not from ordinary cellulose, which gives a characteristic texture to the bill.

How to check dollars for authenticity, if you haveis there a banknote in which you are sure and a doubtful one? Compare the tactile sensations from both, and if one of the bills is a fake, then the difference will be noticeable. This is a very simple but effective way.

The paint on the surface of this note is slightlystands over the paper, all the lines are clear and bright. In a portrait and a dent, banknotes are intentionally used very thin strokes, without a unique equipment to repeat this print quality is impossible.

How to verify the authenticity of $ 100 of a new sample?

Since this note is the most attractivefor scammers, since October 2013, the US government has issued a series of banknotes, which is extremely difficult to falsify. It is designated as Series 2009. Its distinctive features:

  1. Wide protection 3D ribbon of blue color on the rightfrom the portrait. It is visible under the slope. Attention! Do not confuse it with the usual thin ribbon, which on this note is still located to the left of the portrait.
  2. On a copper-colored inkwell the bell is shown, which changes its color when moving from copper to green.
  3. To the right of the portrait are added phrases from the Declaration of Independence and the image of the pen, which was signed so dear to the heart of every American document.
  4. On the reverse side of the banknote its denomination is shown very large, so that it can be easily discerned even for people with poor eyesight.

check the authenticity of dollars in the bank

However, the appearance of new notes does not mean that the old ones have lost their value. The US government does not plan to seize them, they still remain eligible for payments.

Where to check dollars for authenticity

If you still have doubts about the notes, they will be able to dispel only machine-based methods of verification with the help of special detectors.

where to check dollars for authenticity
Using infrared and magnetic radiation, theycan "see" special signs and magnetized zones, for which it is confirmed that the banknote is real. If you want to check the authenticity of dollars in a bank, then be prepared to pay a small fee for checking each bill, or a percentage of the total. And not all financial institutions provide such a service.

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