/ / Expenditures and Incomes of the Federal Budget: Structure and Sources

Expenditures and revenues of the federal budget: structure and sources

The quality and effectiveness of fiscal policy inany country is ultimately determined by the structure of the budget. A budgetary system of such a complex federation as Russia, is also a complex hierarchical entity. In it, the expenditures and revenues of the federal budget and other budgets are distributed according to the levels and have different sources of their formation.

In this three-story model, the federal budget -this is the highest level and is regulated by federal legislation. The main normative document, which regulates the budgetary relations and the budget process in the country, is the Budget Code (BC) of the Russian Federation. The aggregate of all budgets forms a consolidated budget. This category - "consolidated" - is not normatively established or actually implemented. It serves to generate information and views on all budgets for the subsequent analytical study with the aim of adopting the most adequate budget as a legislative act. Within the framework of this theoretical tool, federal budget expenditures and revenues serve as a practical guide for the qualitative planning of use articles and the replenishment of budgetary resources.

Under the revenues of the federal budget, all without exception the monetary resources that come under the management of the institutions of power of the Russian Federation.

In the budget process, the formation of federal budget revenues, the identification and clarification of sources of its replenishment, the improvement of the structure.

In the broadest sense, the sources of formationof the budget are taxes, as well as non-tax revenues and transfers established by law. In addition, to the income of the current budget, the residual funds of the budget of the previous period are added.

The content and structure of federal budget revenues are determined by Article 49 of the Budget Code, and they are listed as follows:

- taxes and fees, set for the federal level and operating throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. They are approved on the basis of relevant standards and are valid for a period of at least 3 years;

- customs fees, duties and other charges associated with customs operations;

- state duties levied in accordance with the legislation in force for the commission of actions for which they are established.

Non-tax revenues to the federal budget are realized from income from:

- use of state property;

- sale and lease of this property;

- proceeds from sales of state stocks and intangible assets;

- land sales;

- transfers, fines, sanctions, payments to offset reimbursement of damages, federal fees;

- conducting foreign economic activity.

Under the conditions of enrollment, expenses and incomesThe federal budget is divided into own and regulatory. The first ones are those that are defined and stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. They act constantly. For example, to such incomes blunt tax and non-tax character are classed. Regulators include those whose value is strictly fixed for each year.

Execution of the budget by income is the most importantparameter of the effectiveness of the budgetary process. Since the federal budget expenditures and incomes are closely interrelated, it should be understood that if the revenues are formed in the required amount, then the expenditures will not be able to cover all the necessary programs that are planned for financing for this budget period.

Assessment of the financial condition of the stateis directly dependent on the adjusted ratio of income and expenditure. When these indicators are equal, the budget balance is fixed. When income exceeds budget budget surplus, and, conversely, on the contrary, when spending exceeds revenues, there is a deficit.

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