/ / Barbecue and veranda at the dacha with their own hands: advice on construction

Barbecue and veranda at the dacha with their own hands: advice on construction

How wonderful it is on a sultry day offgo to the cottage away from the city bustle, exhaust fumes and scorching sun. Is there anything better than rest after busy days in your quiet paradise, where you can escape from the frenzied rhythm of the megalopolis and enjoy the singing of birds? Holiday rest is gaining popularity. One has only to imagine a small cozy house surrounded by a green area with fruit trees, fluffy grass, like a Persian carpet, and a parade of motley flowers. Ah, how wonderful, if you add a veranda to this picture, where you can hide from the sunlight or gather a large company of friends!

It does not matter, if at the moment of the mentioned strokeat the dacha is not enough, you can add it yourself. The verandah in the dacha can be built by hand with no effort for two weeks. But how much pleasure and pleasure will deliver the result of work! The undoubted advantage of the veranda is the opportunity to spend almost a whole day in the open air with the whole family or company.

So, you decided to build. First you need to decide on the design of this architectural structure. The verandah in the dacha with its own hands begins to be built from the drawing up of an architectural plan. If it is difficult to compose it, it is advisable to seek help from specialists. In order for the structure to be reliable and strong, it is necessary to lay the foundation under the veranda. It all depends on what you see the future veranda. If a capital and independent room is planned, then in this case the foundation is needed capital, at the same depth as the foundation of the house itself. An easy construction does not require such serious decisions, and it is quite possible to do with a columnar foundation.

When the foundation is laid, you can proceederection of walls. The veranda in the dacha with their own hands can be built of brick or wooden materials. Subsequently, at the request of the owner of its walls can be plastered with plastic. In addition, we will have to decide one more question: will it be a glazed veranda or an open one. But, as a rule, it is customary to finish glazed verandas, because on rainy or cold days it will serve as a protection for the house from cold and noise. As for the roof, you need to try to get it under the roof of the house, and for this it is necessary to make the floor of the veranda about two or three dozen centimeters lower than the floor in the house. Among the gardeners, sliding walls are in great demand, thanks to which on a hot day the veranda easily transforms into an open room. When the verandah in the dacha is built with your own hands, you should take care of its interior. In solving this difficult but very interesting task can help: unusual and practical furniture, beautiful curtains on the windows, various photographs and pictures on the walls, lacy white tablecloth on the table. Everything that fantasy prompts can serve an excellent service in the design of a new room.

To picture a perfect holiday home wasit is necessary to take care of the construction of a barbecue. After all, it's great to collect all your friends on a new veranda, and even treat them with your own specialties! If you decide to make a barbecue for the dacha with your own hands, then you will need to start from its location. First of all, we take into account the necessary amount of free space, as well as the direction of the air flow. Smoke should not be an annoying factor for you and for your neighbors. Barbecue needs to be installed near the house. Own construction will take you no more than ten days. First, you need to dig a trench for a foundation depth of about 25 cm. Then lay the reinforcement and fill the entire trench with concrete. Now it takes time for the concrete to freeze. After that we start spreading the walls. During construction, there should be a place for storing firewood. We also build an arch, install a pipe and canopy. The floor near the barbecue should also be laid out with a stone.

Whatever the result of your work, it will in any case ideally fit into the design of your dacha, because at all times handwork was valued above all else.

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