/ / Liver Preparation for Baby Food

Liver Preparation for Baby Food

It is difficult to find a more useful protein product thanliver. However, which is very strange, some people do not like to eat it. It is especially difficult to teach her children. But it is she who brings the most tangible benefits to them! Therefore, it is so important to prepare the liver for making not only the preparation of a delicious dish, but also a very high-quality one.

If the housewife or cook at the children'sinstitutions are creative people, they will always find a wonderful way to cook a dish so that it will be both useful and tasty, and beautifully decorated. Here we want to share with readers some thoughts about what can be cooked from the liver, to give pleasure to everyone, including children.

An interesting recipe is the way to prepare the liver in the Souffle "Kindergarten" dish.

Recipe for souffle from the liver "Kindergarten"

For him, the cook will need a beef liver in the amount of half a kilogram, 1 onion head, a few slices of a white loaf, milk for soaking a loaf, for lubrication - butter and salt to taste.

The first thing to do is cook the liver almost to the state of readiness. This will take about half an hour after the water boils. Cooked liver should be removed and washed, and then put to cool.

Pieces of white loaf should be soaked in milk. Liver, onions and bread roll through a meat grinder. If children do not like onions, you can either scroll it twice, or even abandon this component altogether. Minced salt should be added and well mixed. It is even possible to add a little milk, so that it is more gentle. Some even prefer to add butter to the mass, but this is done only at will.

Putting the mass in a mold, pre-lubricatedfat, you need to put the future souffle in the oven. There it will stay at least a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees. The main thing is a beautifully browned crust on top of the souffle. You can pour an appetizing dish with sauce, you can eat it with sour cream or ketchup. And someone, perhaps, will prefer to use it without anything, watering melted butter.

And how delicious to cook a liver in the form of small fried sausages - liverworts!

The recipe for the liverworts

For them, cooks use half a kilo of beef liver, two pieces of onions and carrots and a glass of buckwheat. And it is also necessary to prepare a pork fat net for this dish.

In the evening you need to pour the rump with boiling water and givebrew until the next morning. It is not necessary to cook porridge. But onions and carrots should be pre-fried. Preparation of the liver for the liverwort does not provide for its preliminary roasting. All these ingredients (fried carrots and onions, raw liver and soaked buckwheat) must be passed through a meat grinder. The grid should be cut into small squares.

In the middle of a square from a fat net,put a bit of the mass produced and wrap it in the same way as cooked cabbage rolls. The next stage of cooking this dish is roasting the liverworters on sunflower oil until an appetizing crispy crust is formed. During the heat treatment of the product, the mesh melts and therefore becomes transparent. Part of the fat gets into the filling, making it tastier and juicier.

In the pots we cover the bottom with cabbage leaves,they lay out the liverworts and pour boiling water on a third of the tank. After covering the pot with a lid, place it in the oven for 20 minutes. Believe me, you have never tasted anything better than this! And if you decorate each sausage with a spark of mayonnaise or sour cream sauce, putting on the white leaves of parsley and red berries in the middle, then such "pirozhenki" can decorate a festive festive table.

As you can see, cooking the liver is not such a complicated process. Especially if you do not abuse its frying in oil.

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