/ How to cook dumplings in pots in the oven?

How to cook dumplings in pots in the oven?

What can I cook in a pot in the oven? A variety of dishes. Even in ancient times, people used this dish, because it helps create amazingly delicious and fragrant culinary masterpieces and save considerable time. The products here are prepared without fat, which is good for those who follow a diet.

What can be cooked in a pot in the oven
There are several tips that will allowmake the dishes even more delicious. So, if ten minutes before cooking put this dish in the water, you get the effect of cooking on steam. The only feature in this case is to place the pot in a cold oven.

Instead of lids made of clay, excellentsuitable dough, from which you get a delicious bread. This tip is suitable for any dish, even for such as dumplings in pots in the oven. After all, they are one of the most favorite classical dishes of the Russian table. And there are many recipes for their preparation. In this article we will talk about how to cook dumplings in pots. So, the option number 1.

Dumplings in pots in the oven with sour cream and mushrooms

How to cook dumplings in pots
To prepare this dish, you need one bulb, ½ kilogram dumplings, 300 grams of mushrooms (preferably - champignons), butter, sour cream, spices.

How to cook?

First you need to boil the main ingredient -dumplings - until half cooked. Do it in slightly salted water. Then proceed to the preparation of mushrooms. The broth obtained after cooking should be left. Next, fry the onion in butter, after a few minutes, pour the mushrooms to it. Add salt and pepper to the mixture and leave for a couple of minutes. After finishing the preliminary preparations, proceed to the most interesting. At the bottom of the pot, we spread pelmeni and add butter to them. Above them we have a layer of champignons with onions. Now prepare the sauce. It is made very simply: a tablespoon of sour cream is mixed with the same amount of mushroom broth. In the pot, pour a little refueling, put everything on the lid and put in the oven for fifteen minutes. The temperature in it should be +180 degrees.

Dumplings in pots in the oven
Another, no less interesting and delicious recipe,which allows you to cook dumplings in pots in the oven, is presented below. So, we need 200 grams of hard cheese, two onions, about four tablespoons of sour cream, one and a half glasses of water, and vegetable oil. The pelmeni should be taken about ten or fifteen. They are fried a little, add onion, cut into half rings. Then the resulting mixture is spread in a pot, filled with water and top is added sour cream. Next, the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese and sent to the oven, preheated to +2000 C, for half an hour.

Another original recipe - dumplings inpots in the oven in milk. For this dish, you need to prepare the following ingredients: a kilogram of dumplings, 3 chicken eggs, a glass of milk and the same amount of sour cream, a little butter and greens. The pots are carefully lubricated with oil, they contain dumplings - from ten to fifteen pieces. Separately mix milk and beaten eggs, pour the resulting mixture into dishes with pelmeni. Top put sour cream. The pot is covered with a lid and placed in the oven. Bake the dish on low heat for about half an hour.

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