/ / Restaurants Tula: List of the best places

Restaurants in Tula: List of the best places

Restaurants Tula, whose list we cite inthis article, are located in different parts of the city and have a different level of service. Especially for readers, we will try to find the best institutions that can be visited in the future to personally see how high the quality of service is in them.

Restaurants of Tula. List of the best institutions

restaurants tulity list

Today we will talk first of all about the following institutions:

  • "Pan";
  • "Tashir";
  • "Trattoria of the Paparazzi".

Let's start, perhaps, in order.

The restaurant "Frying Pan"

restaurants and cafes in tulle list

This establishment is engaged in cookingUkrainian cuisine. It has a peculiar interior and design. The studio was called "Geometry". Experts tried to achieve their goals, and more specifically, to bring the image of the institution closer to the best Ukrainian traditions. Infrastructure includes three halls, which are decorated in different from each other stylistic and color solutions.

By the way, Tula's restaurants with dances contain in theirlist and this institution. If you talk about the kitchen, you can try classic and modern dishes. From alcoholic beverages served, for example, beer branded "Chernigov". You can always contact the restaurant staff to ask them to help with the organization of festive events for moderate money. Be sure that they will cope with this matter.

Reviews of the restaurant "Frying Pan"

Guests who visited the institution, in mosttalk about how well the staff work. Here you can eat well for not that much money. The same applies to alcoholic beverages. However, there are small problems with the kitchen. Some visitors complain that such dishes as fried steak, cooks sometimes do not cook until the end. In the rest everything is fine.


restaurants with live music reviews

The history of this institution is quite interesting. The first pizzeria of the network was opened in 1999 in the city of Kaluga. Actually, this date was the starting point for the corporation "Grand Food" of the international format. After years of work in 29 regions of the Russian Federation, about one hundred and a hundred different institutions related to the corporation were opened. Several of them are located just in Tula. This is a pizzeria "Tashir".

From their competitors, they differ qualitativelyservice and high quality products. Service does not stretch for hours, and visitors themselves have a unique opportunity to make their choice in favor of one or several Italian dishes prepared by professional chefs, for acceptable amounts. Now you do not meet such things everywhere, and that's why the network of pizzerias "Tashir" in Tula is really crazy popular.

All dishes are prepared in accordance withoriginal technologies and recipes, worked out to the smallest detail. The network constantly supplies fresh ingredients for cooking, so the creation of low-quality products is simply out of the question. Visitors can enjoy real culinary masterpieces, as well as to feel what the Italian atmosphere is.

The list of additional services includes:delivery of food products to work or at home. You can place an order with the official site of the network of pizzerias "Tashir". To do this, select products and fill out the order form. Confirmation will be immediately sent to the e-mail address, or you will be contacted by the company's employees. The order must have a minimum cost of 580 rubles. You can pay in cash when the courier brings the products.

Reviews about pizzeria "Tashir"

restaurants with dancing

Good dough and delicious filling - that's whatis the basis of an excellent nutritious pizza. And this simple rule is followed by the chefs of the institution, which they can tell about the reviews left about him. Not all Tula restaurants, the list of which we cited in the article, can successfully compete with this place. Additionally, visitors note that there is an atmosphere of hospitality and coziness. In general, "Tashir" is just the place where you can have a good rest together with your family, friends or loved one.

Restaurant-pizzeria "Trattoria Paparazzi"

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Tula for wedding - notthe only places where you can eat hearty and tasty snack and rest (their list, by the way, includes such establishments as "Frying Pan" - we already wrote about it, "Library" and "Golden Fork"). An excellent alternative will be a restaurant-pizzeria "Trattoria Paparazzi". Its infrastructure includes two rooms at once. One of them, called "Paparazzi", the designers designed, of course, in the Italian style. To achieve greater atmospheric conditions, black and white pictures of the fifties, depicting Italy of that time, were pasted through the hall.

restaurants tulity list

But the second hall, which was called "Churchill",includes a bar area. There are tables that can accommodate from two to four people. It was decided to decorate in a traditional English style. The list of additional services includes access to a wireless Wi-Fi network. The menu is rich enough. This is a classic pizza, and salads, and snacks, soups and much more.

Restaurants Tula with live music. Reviews

There are many such in the city. Restaurants Tula, whose list we will now give, have a high quality of service, and professional chefs prepare delicious and high-quality food:

  1. "Bagration Hall" (Georgian cuisine).
  2. "Fleur" (European cuisine).
  3. "Quiet harbor" (European cuisine).

All these institutions on the sites onlypositive feedback, and that's why we gave a list consisting of only three items. Restaurants and cafes in Tula, the list of which we compiled in this article, are waiting for new visitors. They are always ready to pleasantly surprise by the quality of service and can help with the organization of festive events for their guests and customers.

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