/ / Chicken soup with vermicelli - delicious and hearty lunch

Chicken soup with vermicelli - delicious and hearty lunch

Chicken is good because it can always be quicklyto cook a delicious soup. Of course, it is best to take poultry for cooking chicken broth, since it is much tastier and more aromatic. This broth is brewed for a long time, up to 3 hours, the exact cooking time depends on the size of the carcass and the age of the bird. When choosing a chicken pay special attention to how it looks. A healthy bird has a very delicate and thin skin, the meat is white or light pink in color and the legs have small scales. Ready broth can be used to make any soup, which in the cooking there are a great many. The most famous and common is, of course, chicken soup with vermicelli. To soup turned out to be more delicious twice, use homemade noodles, which you cook yourself.

Chicken soup is not only a delicious dish, but also very useful. It is easily digestible and helps the body to fight viruses. I propose three unpretentious recipes for fragrant soups.

Chicken soup with homemade vermicelli

For soup preparation we will need: one medium chicken, two large carrots, four celery stalks, two jars of green peas, a onion head, a thin vermicelli, three chicken broth cubes, hot sauce, pepper and salt.

Preparation: take the largest saucepan, put our chicken in it, fill it with water and cook. We put the prepared bird on a large plate.
A saucepan with broth is not removed from the plate, we addcut the carrots and celery and lay out the green peas. Canned peas can be replaced frozen. We throw the cubes into the broth and cook until the softness of the vegetables.
Cooked chicken cut into pieces and we put back into the pot, to the same throw vermicelli, adding salt and pepper.

Chicken soup with vermicelli will turn out more transparent,if you add a couple drops of lemon. Onion is thinly shredded and passaged in oil. After the vermicelli is cooked, spread the onion roast and bring to a boil.

Chicken soup with vermicelli is recommended to eat immediately, as pasta swells with time and lose its taste.

Chicken soup with buckwheat

We will need: half an average chicken, two potatoes, two carrots, two onions, 50 grams of buckwheat, vegetable oil, peas, salt and fresh herbs.

Preparation: Carcase thoroughly rinse and separate the fillets. All the bones, skin and fat are put in a saucepan and poured with a liter of water. Add a whole bulb, carrots and chopped dill. We put it on the fire and cook for about 20 minutes.

We peel the potatoes and cut them into medium cubes. Buckwheat sorted, washed and dried.

Chicken fillet cut into pieces and put in boiling broth. After 8 minutes we throw the potatoes and after a couple of minutes - buckwheat.

Carrots finely chopped, chop the onion thinly with half rings, fry in a pan and put into a pan. Add the pepper, salt and cook until done.

Before serving, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Chicken soup with broccoli

We need: 300 grams of chicken pulp, onions, one medium carrot, 150 grams of broccoli, two tablespoons of corn, vegetable oil, ground pepper and peas, salt and fresh parsley.

Preparation: The fillet is washed underwater, cut into small pieces, put into a saucepan and pour water. Here we add whole carrots, onions, peas, croup and salt to taste. Cook on moderate heat for 25 minutes.

From the broth we remove the onion and carrots, grind them and add them again to the soup.
We disassemble cabbage on the inflorescence, spread it into soup and cook for about seven minutes.

We pour out on plates, sprinkle with herbs and serve for dinner.

This soup is prepared quite quickly, so if suddenly on the doorstep unexpectedly there are guests, you can always add to their sytnenko and tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

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