/ / Products containing iron

Products containing iron

The organism functions at the expense of microelements, andtheir presence or sufficiency play a big role in how a person will cope with external influences (infections, weather conditions). They also ensure the overall coherence in the work of all systems and bodies. Iron in the list of microelements occupies one of the most significant positions. This substance is involved in the process of blood circulation, forms hemoglobin. Lack of this element can cause general oxygen starvation. To avoid such problems, you need to follow a proper diet, or rather eat iron-containing foods.

Every day you should include food,containing iron in an amount of about 15 mg, this figure is the same for both children and adults, regardless of gender. Meat eaters can be calm - in chicken, beef, lamb and pork contains enough for the normal functioning of the body amount of this element. Vegetarians, on the other hand, have to be heavier - they should consume vegetable products containing iron in sufficiently large quantities to compensate for the nutritional deficiencies that result from the abandonment of meat.

If the body lacks ferrum, then the personvery soon it will be able to feel it - there is a strong fatigue, an inability to quickly perceive information, it becomes more difficult to learn, working capacity and endurance tend to zero, the muscles become weak. Yeah, the list is not a pleasant one. And squandering and losing iron is not long. The most important microelement is lost during any bleeding, malnutrition (it is not recommended to "sit" on hard diets, and also eat white bread, canned food, sweets, rice), low activity (with a sedentary lifestyle). If any of these causes are in your life, then immediately take measures to prevent anemia, which is treated more difficult than a small shortage.

When signs of a deficit appear, it is immediatelyadjust your menu, add products containing iron, for example: almonds, seafood, wheat porridge, dried apricots, legumes, plums, potatoes in a uniform and, of course, meat. Seafood every day to eat will be very expensive, but pancake or buckwheat with dried apricots for breakfast, potatoes with chicken or lean meat can afford almost any average resident.

Particular attention to the content of iron in the blood shouldto give to pregnant women, because the child accumulates for the period of his pre-natal development a stock of elements that he will have enough for about a year of life. Future and young mothers must include in their diet products containing iron, eat apples, papayas, strawberries, raspberries - these fruits can always be purchased at any store. From vegetables: pepper, spinach, fresh cabbage, tomatoes should be indispensable guests on a pregnant table.

The absorption of iron is often hampered by carbohydrates, soIt is worthwhile to consume flour products, bread and sugar at the same time, as they cause a lack of stomach acid, which is necessary for correct interaction with microelements. Tannin also affects iron badly, so it is not recommended to drink coffee, tea and beverages with cola content. A good assimilation of trace elements is helped by products that contain copper, for example: algae, cherry, apricots, sea kale.

Iron in food is very importanta criterion based on which one should give preference to one or another type of food. Never forget about your health, because it can remind you of yourself when any ailment will already triumph. All the food should be balanced, combine all the microelements and vitamins, on the basis of which much depends on the work of the body.

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