/ / Courgettes in battered cheese and cheese: simple recipes

Courgettes in battered cheese and cheese: simple recipes

Fried zucchini in battered with cheese - nourishingspicy snack, the preparation of which requires a minimum amount of time and a simple set of ingredients. They are perfectly combined with meat or fish dishes, which is why they are very popular among domestic housewives.


This fragrant snack will be a good additionto a family dinner. It is prepared in a quarter of an hour. And the process does not require special culinary skills. Since this recipe zucchini in batter with cheese involves the use of a certain grocery set, check in advance whether you have at hand:

  • Fresh egg.
  • A small young zucchini.
  • 100 grams of any hard cheese.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • 1.5 tablespoons flour.

zucchini in battered with cheese

Washed vegetables are not cut too thickringlets, dipped in a bowl with a salted egg, crumbled in flour, and then roasted in an oiled heated frying pan. Finished vegetables sprinkled with grated cheese mixed with crushed garlic, and kept under the lid for a few minutes.

Option with milk

Vegetables fried in accordance with the belowtechnology, are obtained crispy from the outside and soft inside. They have a delicate taste and a pleasant aroma. To prepare zucchini in batter with cheese, you will need:

  • Fresh egg.
  • 70 grams of flour.
  • 4 small zucchini.
  • ½ cup of milk.
  • 80 grams of any hard cheese.
  • Salt, lean oil and spices.

zucchini in battered with cheese and garlic

Washed and dried zucchini cut not toothick rings, dipped in batter, made from milk, flour, eggs and salt, and then fried in vegetable fat. Stir-fry vegetables are sprinkled with shabby cheese and for a moment they are sent to a hot oven. Serve them with any spicy sauce.

Option with kefir

Courgettes in battered with cheese, cooked onThis recipe has a delicate structure and a crispy crispy crust. Thanks to the presence of curry and paprika, they acquire a piquant, moderately pungent taste. To make a similar dish, you will need:

  • 3 squash.
  • 6 tablespoons flour.
  • 100 milliliters of yogurt.
  • 4 slices of garlic.
  • For ½ teaspoon of salt and paprika.
  • 100 grams of hot cheese.
  • 1/3 teaspoon curry.

Shortly before the start of cooking zucchini inbattered with cheese and garlic, kefir is removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature. In a slightly warmed sour-milk product add flour, paprika and curry. There, too, press garlic and shabby cheese. All is well mixed and for fifteen minutes is cleaned to the side.

After a quarter of an hour in the present mass dippedchopped vegetable. Fry zucchini in batter with cheese in a frying pan, greased with vegetable fat. After that, they spread on paper towels, which will absorb excess oil. Serve a ready dish with sour cream or some kind of sauce.

Option with sour cream

This recipe is slightly different from those described above. He is interesting in that it implies a complete absence of flour. To fry such zucchini in battered cheese and cheese, you will need:

  • A pair of eggs.
  • 150 milliliters of sour cream.
  • A couple of small young zucchini.
  • 150 grams of any hard cheese.
  • Salt, spices and lean oil.

zucchini in batter with cheese in a frying pan

Washed young zucchini not cut too muchthick circles and cleaned to the side. Now it's time to take care of the batter. To create it, eggs, salt, seasonings, sour cream and shabby cheese are combined in one bowl. All slightly whisked to uniformity. In the resulting, fairly thick and viscous mass dipped zucchini rings, and then they are sent to a heated oiled skillet and fried on both sides for three or four minutes. Stirred vegetables are spread on a beautiful flat plate and served to the table. They can be eaten not only in hot, but also in a cold form, watering garlic or tomato sauce.

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