/ / Pumpkin honey: ways and recipe, useful properties and reviews

Pumpkin honey: ways and recipe, useful properties and reviews

Pumpkin honey is an elite variety withunique benefit and special healing qualities. It is so unique that many people do not know about the existence of this useful treat. The store can not buy it, it is rarely found in free sale and in markets. Moreover, even beekeepers do not always have the opportunity to eat. There is a real explanation for this.

Why is honey a pumpkin - is it a rare product?

The reason for this phenomenon is that plant flowersnot considered good honey. Despite the fact that they differ in large sizes and large amounts of pollen, nectar in them is not enough. Therefore, bees usually ignore them, preferring other flowers. According to experts' estimates, one hectare of planting pumpkins can provide no more than thirty kilograms of fragrant honey. This fact is the main reason for the rarity of such a useful product for the consumer.

pumpkin honey

Since it is very difficult to get this product from bees in the required quantity, people have learned how to cook it independently. We offer two basic simple recipes.

The first way of cooking

We need a large and ripe pumpkin. It is recommended to thoroughly wash it, cut off the top of the head, and wipe off the seeds and fibers. Then we pour sugar inside to the top. Cover the top with a cut off "cap". We put the berry in a large basin, since the liquid is most likely to flow. We send the pumpkin for ten days in a cool place. The main thing is to stir the sugar periodically, in order to achieve its complete dissolution.

After the specified time, gently pour into the jar pumpkin honey. Recipe allows the formation of a smallthe amount of mold. This does not mean that the honey has deteriorated. You just need to clean the mold and pour the resulting liquid, or make a small hole in the bottom or side. The container must be clean, dry and sterilized.

Pumpkin Honey Recipe

Naturally, this is not exactly pumpkin honey. However, there are many microelements and vitamins in it, it is more useful than regular sugar. It can be consumed by adding sugar, cottage cheese and muesli. This will give the dishes a unique flavor and original taste.

How to store such honey?

Naturally, this product can not be stored for long. The maximum amount of time is one month. Put it is recommended in a refrigerator or any other cool place.

If it is necessary to keep such honey longer, thenheat treatment is mandatory. It is recommended to cook it until it thickens. However, in this case, those useful properties that distinguish pumpkin honey are lost. Recipe you can vary, adding in the process of boiling cinnamon, cloves or favorite seasonings.

The second method of preparation

It is necessary to repeat all the actions described in the first method. But inside the berries put a normal, not very thick honey. It turns out an original product, which has a unique melon flavor and taste.

Naturally, this method of preparation is more preferable if you plan to use the product with therapeutic purposes.

What are the good qualities of pumpkin honey? Let us consider this in more detail.

Pumpkin honey. Healing properties

The combination of these two products is a real "bomb" in the therapy of certain diseases. According to consumer reviews and expert opinions, pumpkin honey is a necessary product for:

  • anemia, because it is rich in iron;
  • increased avitaminosis, stress, diseases of the nervous system, atherosclerosis, because in its composition has a combination of vitamins and trace elements;
  • catarrhal diseases, due to its unique composition;
  • colitis, gastritis, acidity, constipation and bowel problems;
  • diseases of the kidneys, bile and urinary bladder.

This is not all the properties of pumpkin honey. This product is one of the best natural antioxidants, it removes toxins and other harmful substances from the human body.

However, despite useful qualities, it must be used gently to some people.

Pumpkin honey. Contraindications

There are no significant prohibitions on taking this product. However, it is not recommended to abuse pumpkin honey:

  • with intolerance to beekeeping products;
  • in diseases of the kidneys, weighed down by cardiovascular diseases, and diabetics;
  • patients suffering from low acidity of the stomach.

Features of the use of the product during pregnancy

During the gestation of the child, the body needs many elements and vitamins.

One of the main are carotenoids, whichcontribute to the synthesis of vitamin A. They are very rich in pumpkin honey. The recipe for this treat is such that the berries completely transfer these substances to the final product.

In addition, in pumpkin honey containFlavonoids are plant antioxidants that will help pregnant women maintain the elasticity of the body and skin. In addition, they are able to prevent pathological development in the fetal cells.

Honey pumpkin, as noted above, is rich in iron,vitamins D, C and E, a large number of minerals. Its use by a future mother contributes to the full development and growth of the fetus. Therefore, there are no contraindications to taking the product during pregnancy.

How best to apply honey gourds?

In the absence of contraindications, this product is recommended to be used daily. And there is no dosage or specific instructions.

To achieve the optimal recovery result, you need to eat pumpkin honey in every meal. Preparation special dishes are not required. Let's give some examples.

You can make yourself a useful breakfast of toast withspecial, low-calorie jam. To do this, in a thick apple, pear or apricot puree to add pumpkin honey and spread it on bread. Delicious, rich in vitamins and minerals breakfast is ready.

pumpkin honey contraindications

Any dessert can also be made useful. For example, replacing sugar in a pie with pumpkin honey. The recipe can be taken either. You will get a very delicious dish with a special flavor.

pumpkin honey recipe

You can cook unsweetened waffles for dinner, and pour on top with pumpkin honey.

Pumpkin honey cooking

There are a lot of ways to use this product. The main thing - to include imagination, receiving with each meal of useful vitamins and a complex of minerals.

Pumpkin seeds with honey from prostatitis

Pumpkin - a unique product in which all qualities are beneficial - skin, pulp and seeds. The latter are famous for their unique properties in the treatment of male problems with the genitourinary system.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in the following substances.

properties of pumpkin honey

  • Arginine is essential for cancer preventionprostate and infertility. This amino acid is able to provide strength and growth of muscle mass. In addition, thanks to her, the hormonal background of the male type is restored.
  • Polyunsaturated alpha-linolenic acidcan suppress the deposition of the subcutaneous fat layer. Thanks to it, blood vessels are cleared, the efficiency of brain functions increases, the speed of mental and motor reactions increases, metabolism improves.
  • Thanks to vitamin K, bone tissue is formed and the risk of osteoporosis is prevented.
  • Zinc will provide the production of a male hormone, positively affecting the quality of sperm and potency.
  • Phosphorus is essential for the synthesis of testosterone.

The most successful and tasty option is pumpkin seeds with honey from prostatitis. Recipe cooking can be different.

pumpkin seeds with honey from prostatitis recipe

We offer two methods.

The first option is a recipe for making honeyballs. It is necessary to grind half a kilogram of peeled pumpkin seeds. Add a glass of thick honey to them. Blend the mixture into the refrigerator for several days. It should thicken. Next, we take out and sculpt the balls one and a half centimeters in diameter. It is recommended to store the medicine in the refrigerator. Its amount is enough for one course of treatment. It is necessary to consume in the morning, one ball for half an hour before meals. A year is required for one such course.

The second option - pumpkin seeds with honey from prostatitis. Recipe this is less laborious than the first. It is necessary to grind half a kilo of cleaned unroasted cores, mix with the same amount of honey. Store the product recommended in a cool place, in a glass jar. Take in the morning, before meals, one small spoon. The amount obtained is sufficient for one course of treatment.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following. The proposed recipes are very simple to implement. But the main thing is that they are unique remedies for the final product. All components do not pass culinary processing, they are not saturated with taste enhancers, they are not fried or boiled. Available in honey, pumpkin and seeds unique amino acids, macro- and microelements and vitamins "work", they are biologically active and easily assimilated. That is why the chemical composition of the final product is very useful for the human body.

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