Pumpkin soup "Belonika": how to cook and what is the use?
Pumpkin soup "Belonika" is a dish thatlike everyone. You can cook it with bacon or make a vegetarian option. The dish is made with a rich taste and a bright aroma. And its color is just amazing. Served with a soup with roasted pumpkin seeds. It's not only tasty, but also beautiful. How to prepare pumpkin soup "Belonika".

What is required for cooking
To prepare pumpkin soup Belonika, you will need:
- 2 kg of pumpkin.
- 1 tomato.
- 3 cloves garlic.
- 2 stalks of celery.
- 1 head of onion.
- Red hot and black ground pepper.
- Parsley.
- Sunflower seeds.
- Grated Parmesan.
- 150 g of bacon.
- Bread is white.
- Oil from olives.
Belonika: recipes
Pumpkin soup can be cooked without gratedParmesan and bacon. Get a vegetarian dish. His taste will not suffer from this. If desired, Parmesan can be replaced with cheese, made on the basis of plant components. In this case, it is better to take the product spicy.
What to cook pumpkin soup, it is necessaryprepare the products. To begin with it is necessary to prepare vegetables. Onions should be peeled and cut. The same should be done with celery. If you have fennel on hand, then you should add it to the dish. Hot peppers should also be washed and cleaned, carefully removing all the seeds. Do not add too much to this dish.
Garlic must be cleaned and crushed. It is recommended to cut the bacon and then put it in a frying pan. It's worth a little watering, but not frying. After that, you need to add garlic to the tank and put it all out. It is also necessary to pour out prepared vegetables.

What to do next
Pumpkin soup puree "Belonika" should be prepared,observing consistency. While vegetables are stewed, you can prepare the main component. Pumpkin should be cleaned, removing the seeds with a spoon and cutting the skin. In the soup adds only the flesh of the vegetable. It should be cut into large enough cubes, and then put it to stews. Also it is necessary to cut a tomato. It is necessary to remove the peel and seeds. After that, the tomato should be put in vegetables and lightly put out.
Cooking soup
Pumpkin soup "Belonika" is also vegetarian. To prepare such a dish, you need to do everything described above, without adding bacon to it. Stewed vegetables should be placed in a saucepan. Here you need to pour a few glasses of boiling water. Ideally, this dish should be added vegetable, meat or chicken broth. If they do not, you can pour boiling water.
When liquid is added, it is necessary to place a containeron a slow fire and all to put out for 20 minutes. At the same time, the components should be mixed regularly so that nothing sticks to the bottom and burns.
After the specified time, it is necessary to shiftBlend the resulting mixture and grate it all. The result should be a mashed potatoes. If the bowl does not allow, you can spread the soup in pieces. The resulting mashed potatoes should be poured back into the pan. Now you need to achieve a pleasant consistency. If the puree is very thick, then you can pour a little boiled water into it. If liquid, then it is necessary to put out a little more, regularly mixing.

How to Serve Vegetarian Soup
Pumpkin soup "Belonika", the preparation of whichdescribed above, is ready. It remains to decorate it and submit it to the table. If you cooked a vegetarian option (without bacon), then you can lightly fry the peeled pumpkin seeds and put them on top of the puree. From white bread, it is recommended to make crunches by drying it in a frying pan without adding oil. You can also sprinkle the ready soup with chopped greens.
How to serve a dish with bacon
If soup-puree is cooked with bacon, then it can beserve as a vegetarian dish. From above you can sprinkle it with chopped greens and fried peeled pumpkin seeds. In addition, ordinary bread crumbs of white bread can be replaced with delicious croutons. They are prepared quickly and easily. For the beginning it is necessary to cut white bread. It is better to chop it with small blocks. Each piece is recommended to sprinkle with olive oil. White bread should be put on a baking tray. Bacon - grind. Pieces should be laid out on top of white bread. Bake toast should be at a temperature of at least 250 ° C.
The tray should be pre-covered with foilor paper for roasting. It is not recommended to leave the oven, as bread can quickly brown. When the pieces have a golden hue, sprinkle them with grated parmesan. Cheese should be baked, but not burned. After that, slices of white bread should be put in the center of a bowl with pumpkin soup.

Is this soup useful?
According to experts, pumpkin soup is veryuseful. After all, this dish is universal by indications. Pumpkin soup allows you to clean kidneys and liver, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize the heart, keep youth, calm the nervous system, and improve vision. It will also be useful during pregnancy. Pumpkin soup allows you to accelerate the body's metabolic processes, get rid of anemia, hypovitaminosis, toxicosis and increased fragility of hair and nails.