/ / Chebureki: a recipe, as in the market. The recipe for chebureks with meat

Chebureki: a recipe, as in the market. The recipe for chebureks with meat

At least once in my life I've probably triedchebureks. The recipe "as in the market" is considered among people the most successful, as it implies a successful combination of a crunchy "pimply" dough and juicy meat inside. And the guarantee of successful experiments on the topic of chebureks is in the test. It should be both soft and crispy, thin, but not tear - then it turns out the right tasty chebureks. The recipe "as in the market" originally offered for their shell the most primitive unleavened dough. However, during all sorts of experiments enthusiastic culinary people have the opportunity to choose. You can try all the options and stay on what you like more.

chebureks recipe both on the market

Classic dough for chebureks

This recipe for chebureks with meat at homethe composition of the dough has the most usual: for four glasses of flour, a third of a liter of water, a teaspoon of salt and sugar and 80 grams of fat - the smalets, lean oil, margarine, in general, anything. The trick is that you need to add it as hot as possible, actually boiling, otherwise you will get flat, settled chebureks. The recipe "as on the market" must necessarily give a bubble result. And one more little secret: to make the dough soft, water is poured into it with a soda. The sequence of actions will be as follows: the water is heated, sugar and salt dissolve in it and flour is gradually added. To put all at once does not cost: firstly, the flour can be different, and it is possible to pour, as a result of which the dough will turn out too dense. And secondly, you need to guess the time of fat input. It is poured into half the dough ready, when it is no longer liquid, but not too thick. The hot oil is poured with intensive stirring; when the mass becomes homogeneous, the rest of the flour falls in. The dough is kneaded to elasticity, covered with a towel to avoid airing and left for half an hour to settle.

recipe of chebureks with meat at home

Brewed dough

For its preparation, all components are taken inthe previous ratio, plus an egg and a tablespoon of vodka is added. You can do without it, but most cooks tend to get very tasty chebureks with it, like in the market, and without it - not quite that. Moreover, as a fat component is better to choose lean oil. First it is required to boil water with salt and oil; a glass of flour is poured into boiling water (incomplete), and everything is quickly beaten; if you get lumps, they need to be carefully rubbed. When the future dough cools, an egg is hammered and vodka is poured in. The new ingredients are ground, the remaining flour is poured in, and the mass is mixed. Defend such a dough should at least an hour, and even better - all night.

a recipe for cooking chebureks with meat

Beer Dough

If you are interested in how to make a dough onChebureks delicious and crunchy, as in the market, try to use such a recipe. Take half a bottle of beer - any, dark, light, non-alcoholic, cheapest - no difference. In the drink, an egg is hammered, salt is poured and gradually flour is poured. On average, the dough will take three to four glasses. After the mixing, the first impression is formed that the base turned out to be too rigid. However, excessive density is a temporary thing; after settling for two hours, she leaves. Just do not forget to cover the bowl with a napkin.

chir chir recipe for Crimean chebureks

Curd dough

Another recipe for chebureks with meat in the homeconditions, and a very interesting solution. If you add cottage cheese to the dough, the chebureks do not dry out even in a cooled form and remain soft for a very long time. A pack of granular cottage cheese in 200 g is kneaded with a fork so that there are not too many large lumps left. Especially diligent can wipe it through a sieve or a small colander. Then an egg is introduced and a half-spoonful of soda. When everything is uniformly mixed, flour is poured - about one and a half cups, but it may be necessary and more if the cottage cheese is heavily moist. An indication that there is enough flour is the non-sticking of the dough to the hands. Unlike other recipes, the curd pastry should not be defended, you can sculpt the chebureks immediately.

Chebureks recipe of cooking chebureks with meat

Kefir Dough

It is especially attractive because the chebureks fromit is very lush and soft. It is prepared quickly, for a long time it will not be defended, yeast (as, indeed, other cheburechnye variants) does not require. About half a kilogram of flour will go to a glass of kefir. Its amount can vary, since it depends on the fat content of kefir. Our advice: take one that is easier, otherwise the dough can get too steep. In the yogurt, an egg is hammered, salt is injected, and all together is beaten up to splendor. Then flour is gradually added. When you reach the desired density, add another ten minutes to build up the mass, cover the bowl and leave the dough for twenty minutes "to go."

Tips and Secrets

If you have not calculated something, and the dough has turned out too dense, why the chebureks turned out to be harsh, put them together in a pot under the lid - in a quarter of an hour they will soften.

The edges need to be tugged not with hands - they will turn out not too beautiful, and delicate, why they can get unstuck. It is better to use a fork or roll the edge of a saucer.

Some do not like too much Chebureks (recipe"As in the market") because of the small number of fillings in them. People believe that chefs save on meat. However, this is unfair. You do not buy pies! The dough in this dish is very thin, a large amount of minced meat will pierce it, and the meat itself will not be fried. So, if you are interested in how to properly prepare chebureks, remember that the mince in them should be put no more than a spoon.

very tasty chebureks as in the market

Before chipping the edges of dough with meat, you must squeeze out excess air. If this is not done, the cheburek will swell and may burst during the frying.

Turn and remove from the pan chebureki better noisy - so they will drain excess oil.

Correct Filling

It's not right to think that minced meat is good enoughand in chebureks. The recipe for cooking chebureks with meat requires completely different treatment of meat. Traditionally, meat in general should not be ground, but chopped, but modern recipes still offer a meat grinder. The first and the main difference from minced meat is that the fat that is put in minced meat should make up a third of the total weight of the filling. Then the onion. It should be taken more - somewhere with half the meat component. Lazy, of course, can pass it along with the meat through the meat grinder, but where will be more delicious chebureks, in which the onions are very finely chopped and peretolchen with salt. And the last: in mincemeat it is necessary to add liquids that it became sticky. You can limit yourself to water, but tastier will pour kefir - a glass per kilogram of filling.

how to make dough on chebureks deliciously and crisply as in the market

Crimean chir-chir

One of the most correct chebureks by rightare considered chir-chir. The recipe of the Crimean chebureks differs from others in the first place with meat: it is supposed to take only mutton, in a pinch beef - but no pork! Second: in addition to onions in minced meat, chopped parsley is also laid. And grind them is not allowed - just cut. The diameter of the dough mugs should not exceed 16 cm, and a teaspoon is placed in them. Fry the chebureks laid in the cauldron, in a large volume of oil - they should practically float in it. And the main thing: it is not necessary to mold a lot of chebureks right away, so that the dough does not dry out in anticipation of the queue for the frying. The dough for chir-chir is usually taken classical.

The Caspian Chebureks

In fact, any recipe for cooking chebureks -with meat. However, fish variations are very popular in the Caspian Sea. And it turns out very well. The Caspian experience is very useful in the days of a lax post, when the meat is banned, and the fish is not. Usually, forcemeat is made from pike perch, but any other fish, preferably fresh, and not frozen, and with a minimum of bones, will do. Three bulbs are taken for half a kilo, and fish soup instead of kefir. In addition to salt and pepper it is desirable to add more fish seasonings. The dough will fit any recipes. Otherwise, the cooking process is no different from meat chebureks: rolled flat cakes, in the middle is laid out the filling, the edges are tucked, and the workpieces are fried in lean oil.

Lazy Chebureks

Any recipe for chebureks with meat in the homeNevertheless, it presupposes the production of the right test. However, if there is no time, or you are not very friendly with flour products, you can take advantage of the ready-made yeast dough in the supermarket. Since it is something "not real", you will have to go for the trick and win in the taste at the expense of minced meat. Firstly, in addition to the bulb on a half kilo of minced meat, add three or four lobes of garlic, and not pressed, and grated on a grater - will be juicier. Secondly, in addition to salt and pepper will have to add a teaspoon of sugar and chopped a bunch of cilantro. And replace it with other herbs - parsley or dill - is not worth it, you will lose a lot of taste sensations. Normally, an incomplete glass of water is added - gradually, so as not to overflow. And forcemeat should stay for about an hour in the refrigerator. The main secret of the chebureks from the ready-made dough is that they are fried in an almost dry pan. A lot of lean oil is not necessary to pour - the dough is not quite right, so that the frying pan is only slightly smeared.

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