/ / Salad with ham and croutons: thousands of pieces of one dish

Salad with ham and croutons: thousands of pieces of one dish

Salad with ham and croutons - dish, tastewhich is simply impossible to forget. He, no doubt, will become a real decoration of your table (everyday or festive). First, let's look at how a classic salad with ham and croutons is made, also called "Rubik's Cube".

salad with ham and croutons

Classic version of salad

What do you need?

  • 1 can of canned corn;
  • 2 tomatoes (solid, not too juicy);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 200 g of ham;
  • 1/5 of the French loaf;
  • 200 g of mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil (refined!).

How to cook?

This delicious salad with ham and croutonsYou can cook by spending only ... 15 minutes! First we cut the loaf - we should get the same small cubes. They need to be fried in a skillet with a little oil - then on the way out we get golden fragrant croutons. While the croutons cool down, small cubes should be cut into ham. In the same bowl, fall asleep canned corn, and then - tomatoes (they also try to cut into neat cubes). After that, it is already possible to fill in the salad crumbs (by that time they will cool down). Fill all this with mayonnaise, add a little salt and chopped garlic.

salads with rusks recipes photo

Option number 2

As we said at the beginning, a salad with ham andcrackers can include various additional ingredients and there are a large number of modifications to this recipe. In the second variant we will make only a few changes.

What do you need?

  • 300 g of ham;
  • eggs (5 pcs.)
  • canned corn bank;
  • packing of smoked cheese (braids, pigtails, etc.);
  • parsley;
  • 1 packet of cheese croutons.

How to cook
salads with breadcrumbs and ham

First, we boil the eggs well, and thencut as small as possible. We rub cheese, and ham cut into small cubes. We chop the greens. All these ingredients should be put in one bowl and mixed thoroughly. After that, it only remains to add crumbs, fill our salad with mayonnaise, pour it a little and mix again. Unlike the first recipe, in this case, our salad should be slightly settled before it can be served to the table.

Option number 3

Salads with rusks and ham are capable of eachtime to surprise you with your taste. And today we will consider another interesting recipe, with which you can diversify your daily or festive menu.

What do you need?

  • 300 g of ham;
  • 100 g of lettuce;
  • 70 g rye croutons;
  • 300 g of carrots "in Korean";
  • green onions, parsley and dill (1 bunch);
  • 1 tooth. garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

How to cook?

We cut the ham into small pieces (in contrast toprevious options). Parsley, green onions and dill should be chopped to the maximum, garlic - chopped (also as small as possible). Next, stripes (width about 1.5 - 2 cm) cut lettuce. We put the croutons, carrots, ham, lettuce, greens, garlic in a bowl, fill it with mayonnaise and mix well.

This is how simple and tasty salads with rusks are prepared. Recipes, photos - all this will help you to make the dish correctly and amazingly delicious. Bon Appetit!

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