/ / Cheese sticks

Cheese sticks

On the eve of a lavish feast always think about itover what to cook and what to surprise the guests. Of course, you can not do without snacks. Various sandwiches, canapés and meat sliced ​​are already fed up, I want something unusual, original, and most importantly tasty. We offer to prepare cheese sticks.

There are a lot of recipes, each of them is good in its own way, each has its own zest. Let's consider some interesting variants of preparation.

1) Cheese sticks with cottage cheese. This recipe is quite simple and does not require special culinary skills. For preparation it will be required: 200 grams of any hard cheese, a pack of cottage cheese (we use fat-free, because the sticks must be fried and the product can get too fatty), 2 eggs, 2 cloves of garlic, a bunch of fresh dill, salt.

For a breading mixture, you need 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of milk, salt and a glass of breadcrumbs.

Cooking method. Eggs and cottage cheese whisk in a homogeneous mass, salt, add grated cheese, chopped garlic, dill and mix everything. Get a homogeneous cheese-cheese dough.

Then we beat eggs and milk, salt (but notstrong). From the received mass we make sticks, we sprinkle them with breadcrumbs, then we roll in egg weight, again in breadcrumbs, in egg weight and again in breadcrumbs. Thus, a dense shell must be obtained, which during frying will not allow the product to spread.

Cheese sticks fry on vegetable orolive oil, on both sides until golden and crispy crust. That's all, the snack is ready, you can safely serve it to the festive table. It should be noted that this recipe (cheese sticks with cottage cheese, cheese and garlic) is a real find for beer lovers.

2) The classic recipe. The following ingredients will be required: 150 grams of hard cheese (you can use a hard and dried product that stays in the refrigerator, we prefer Gouda cheese, it does not get bitter after frying, like many others), 100 grams of cream margarine, 300 grams of wheat flour, 1 chicken egg, mayonnaise (a tablespoon will be enough) and salt.

Cooking method

• Grate the cheese (who likes its pieces in sticks - rub it in large pieces, if not - small, you can use a food processor or even manually cut the product).

• Slightly softened margarine with the resulting mass, salt.

• In the cheese mixture, drive in the egg and mayonnaise.

• Mix everything thoroughly and start adding flour with small handfuls. As a result, you should get a dough that does not stick to your hands.

• From what happened, we form the sticks and bake in the oven to a golden color. This will take no more than 15 minutes. Make sure that cheese sticks are not burnt. The treatment is ready.

3) Sticks with cheese and greens from puff pastry. This recipe is also quite simple and interesting.

Ingredients: ready-made puff pastry (it's easier to buy it than to make it yourself, the cooking process can take up to 3 hours or more), 200 grams of cheese (you can use different sorts), 2 cloves of garlic, parsley and dill.

The finished puff dough is divided into two equal parts,we distribute one of them on the table. Cheese grate and sprinkle over the dough. Top with chopped herbs and garlic. Then we take the second part of the test and cover the first part. The edges are tied and cut by strips. We divide each of them into several parts. We put them neatly on a baking sheet and bake until cooked. Finished sticks should be golden in color.

Each of these recipes is good in its own way, inIn any case, you get a delicious snack. Now you know how to make cheese sticks, you can safely proceed to the process. Bon appetit and good mood!

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