/ / Simple salad recipe with pineapple and crab sticks

A simple salad recipe with pineapple and crab sticks

Recipe for salad with pineapple and crab sticksknow a few. After all, most owners are accustomed to doing traditional snack dishes, which use a standard set of products in the form of boiled vegetables, canned fish and so on. But if you want to surprise your guests and beautifully set the table, we recommend using different recipes for salads with pineapple (canned) and other ingredients. It should be noted that the snack using the mentioned product turns out to be very juicy and tasty. To verify this statement, we recommend that you do it yourself.

recipe for salad with pineapple and crab sticks

Step-by-step recipe for salad with pineapple and crab sticks

To prepare a salad, you do not needstrange ingredients that cost incredible money. For this dish, you need to purchase only simple products that are available in every store.

So, the recipe for a salad with pineapple and crab sticks requires the use of such ingredients:

  • crab sticks frozen - about 500 g;
  • canned corn - ½ small cans;
  • Chicken eggs of medium size - 7 pcs .;
  • pineapples canned - a small pot;
  • mayonnaise medium fat - use to taste.

Processing ingredients

If you decide to use a salad recipe withpineapple and crab sticks to prepare a festive table, then you should know that such a dish is prepared very quickly and easily. First you need to process all the ingredients. Crab sticks must be thawed and chopped into cubes. Chicken eggs should be boiled beforehand, cooled and cleaned. In the future, they need to be ground in exactly the same way as the sticks.

With regard to canned pineapple,banks need to drain all the syrup, and then proceed to shredding. If you purchased the product by pieces, then it is recommended to simply cut it in half. If pineapples in the form of rings, they should be chopped into medium cubes. It is also necessary to drain all the brine from the canned corn.

recipes for salads with pineapple canned

Form the dish and serve it to the dinner table

Recipes for salads with pineapple cannedcan provide for both layered laying of ingredients, and their banal mixing. The presented method of cooking a snack dish refers to the second option.

Thus, in one bowl it is necessary to connectCrab sticks, boiled eggs, corn and canned pineapples. In the future they should be flavored with low-fat mayonnaise and mix well. Laying a dish in a deep salad bowl, it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour, and then present it to the table with a hot lunch.

By the way, the presented recipe of a delicious salad withpineapple can be used not only to feed it to a table in a deep plate, but also to create a delicious snack. To do this, the resulting mass with mayonnaise should be smeared on pita bread, wrapped with rolls, cut into small pieces, put on a plate and presented to invited guests.

Salad with pineapple layers: recipe step by step preparation

What other snack dishes with cannedpineapple you know? If not, then right now we will present you an unusual salad recipe. Chicken, pineapple cheese and walnuts - all these products are the main ingredients of a very tasty and nutritious dish.

So, we need:

  • Chicken breast cooled - about 450 g;
  • pineapples canned - a large pot;
  • walnuts peeled - about 50 g;
  • cheese solid Dutch - about 180 g;
  • salt iodized - add to meat;
  • mayonnaise of large fat content - about 180 g.

recipe for salad chicken pineapple cheese

Preparing the components

How to realize the presented salad recipe? Pineapple with cheese should be processed at the last. After all, first you need to rinse the chicken breasts and boil them in salty water until soft. After that, white poultry meat needs to be cooled, freed from bones and skin, and then cut into small cubes.

Having prepared the breasts, it is necessary to proceedprocessing of the remaining ingredients. To do this, drain all the syrup from the canned pineapple and chop them in the same way as the poultry meat. Next, you need to grate the grated cheese, thoroughly rinse the walnuts, dry them in a microwave oven and grind them into a large crumb, using a common crush.

The process of salad formation

As we already mentioned above, salad recipes withPineapple canned can recommend the laying of products by layers or their mixing in a deep dish. The described method of creating a snack dish refers to the first option.

Thus, one should take a broad and flatutensils and evenly distribute all the chopped chicken breasts along its bottom. Then they need to put juicy pineapples and fill with fat mayonnaise. In the end, all ingredients need to be sprinkled with grated cheese and nut crumbs.

recipe for a delicious salad with pineapple

Correctly served family members

Now you know a simple salad recipe. Chicken, pineapple, cheese and walnuts - in this order it is necessary to spread the ingredients in a wide plate. After the dish is formed, it must be removed into the refrigerator for exactly 60 minutes. In the future, a delicious and juicy salad should be presented to family members together with a hot lunch.

Make delicious and hearty mixed salad with shrimps

Do you know how the "Shrimp with Pineapple" salad is prepared? The recipe for this unusual dish is presented below. For him we will need:

  • pineapples canned - 1 small pot;
  • frozen shrimps - 200 g;
  • crab sticks - about 100 g;
  • canned corn - 1 pot;
  • fresh cabbage Peking - a few leaves;
  • lemon juice - 2 small spoons;
  • Round grain rice - ½ cup;
  • mayonnaise low-calorie - add to taste.

Preparation of ingredients

The salad "Shrimp with pineapple", the recipe of which we are considering, can be prepared not only for the festive, but also for the everyday table. After all, this dish is made quickly and easily.

To make a delicious snack,process all components. Frozen shrimps must be thawed and boiled right in the shell within a few minutes. Further seafood must be cleaned and cut in half. After this, you should chop crab sticks and canned pineapples into cubes.

shrimp salad with pineapple recipe

It is also necessary to cut the straws and leaves of Peking cabbage. As for round cereals, it is recommended to wash it and boil it in salt water until it is soft.

Mixing the ingredients

Almost all recipes of salads with pineapples (canned) require a minimum of time to process the necessary ingredients. The presented way of cooking is not an exception.

After the components have been prepared,should take a large bowl and put in it Peking cabbage, boiled rice, canned pineapple, corn, shrimp and crab sticks. Next, all the products need to be sprinkled with lemon juice and dressed with low-calorie mayonnaise.

After mixing the ingredients, they should be put in a deep salad bowl and kept in the cold for about half an hour.

We serve to the table

Now you know the recipe for a delicious salad with pineapple and shrimp. After the dish is mixed and cooled, it should immediately be presented to the table.

By the way, you can serve this salad not only in a deep dish, but, for example, putting it in tartlets. In this case, you will get a very tasty and unusual snack.

We prepare a delicious and nutritious salad with champignons

What other dishes with canned pineapple youyou know? If you can not answer the question, then we will present you another salad recipe. Pineapple with cheese, mushrooms and chicken breasts is combined very well. That's why we decided to use all the mentioned ingredients in one snack.

salad pineapple step-by-step recipe

So, we need:

  • Chicken breast cooled - about 450 g;
  • champignons are not large, the most fresh - about 300 g;
  • pineapples canned - a small pot;
  • olive oil - 45 ml;
  • cheese hard - 120 g;
  • eggs large fresh - 3 pcs .;
  • bulb - small head;
  • salt - at the discretion;
  • mayonnaise calories - at your discretion.

Preparing the components

How to make a tasty and nutritious salad "Pineapple"? A step-by-step recipe for this snack food will be brought to your attention right now.

First you need to process the meat product. It should be rinsed, and then boiled in salt water. Further from the chicken breasts it is required to remove the skin, remove the bones and chop into small cubes.

As for fresh champignons, they are necessarywash and cut into strips. Then they should be fried in olive oil with the addition of onions, cut into half rings. Cooking ingredients in the pan is recommended until they are fully browned. In the end, roasting should be salted to taste.

Also, separately boil eggs and chop them with cubes together with canned pineapple. In addition, you need to grate on a large grater and hard cheese.

The formation process

How to form a salad "Pineapple" withmushrooms? The recipe for this dish involves the use of a deep bowl. It should be laid out chicken breasts, champignons fried with onions, as well as canned pineapples, grated cheese and eggs. All the ingredients are required to be flavored with high-calorie mayonnaise and thoroughly mixed with a large spoon.

Correctly we present the dish to the table

After the salad is formed and flavoredmayonnaise, it must be kept in the refrigerator for exactly 30 minutes. Next, a snack dish should be presented to invited guests along with a hot lunch.

salad with pineapple layers recipe

If you have a lot of free time, thenthe presented salad can be formed and in another way. To do this, you need to prepare a broad and flat plate, and then alternately put the following items in it: boiled breast, fried mushrooms, eggs and canned pineapple. All the layers, except the last, should be abundantly greased with mayonnaise. In such a composition it is recommended to keep the salad in the cold for at least two hours. Only after that it can be safely presented to the table with a piece of bread and a hot dinner.

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