/ / Hungarian goulash: the recipe is classic and its modern reading

Hungarian goulash: a classic recipe and its modern reading

Hungarian goulash, the recipe of which is not popularonly in European countries, but also found recognition from their eastern neighbors, captivates with its simplicity in performance and the variety of changes that enterprising culinary specialists have made to it. It is worth trying once to prepare this dish to understand that it is worthy of being in the collection of favorite recipes. How to do it? Imagine below.

goulash recipe

Traditions of Generations

This Hungarian dish was born by men and formen. There is a legend that goulash, the recipe of which will be disclosed further, was invented by ordinary shepherds. And soon he won the hearts of royal cooks and monarchs.

So, what will be required to fulfill thisa wonderful dish? Of course, beef weighing half a kilogram. From vegetables should be stocked with potatoes in the same volume as meat, two onions, one bell pepper, preferably red, two cloves of garlic. From spices you will need two tablespoons of paprika, also two bay leaves and salt. Add to the set is a glass of red dry wine and half a liter of water.

goulash with gravy recipe
Cook the same goulash, whose recipeis considered here follows as follows. Meat and potatoes are cleaned, washed and cut with the same small cubes. Next, the beef is spread on the pan and fried until a golden crust appears. Here it is worth noting that traditionally this process is not based on vegetable oil, but on animal fat.

Once the meat has become as required, inIt is introduced onions and sweet peppers, chopped rings. Wait until they are browned, and add the paprika, carefully mix everything and leave to languish for fifteen minutes, before pouring water.

Time has run out, which means that you should pour in the wine andadd a bay leaf. Leave for a couple of minutes and cover the resulting mass with potatoes. All this is covered with a lid and languishes until the food is ready. Do not forget that periodically you should mix the ingredients. In the end, all the salt, after which the finished dish can be served.

Culinary Experiments

Yet the chefs are more popularenjoys goulash with gravy. The recipe for its preparation is somewhat different from the one described above. So, half a kilo of beef should be taken: one onion, two carrots, 75-ml tomato paste, 2 clove buds and two bay leaves, sugar to taste and a quarter of a liter of water.

Beef in the same way fry until goldencrusts and put into the cauldron. In the same frying pan, carrots and onions, chopped with semirings, are brought to translucency, and sent to meat. There, place cloves, bay leaves and spices. In a separate container, dilute the tomato paste with water, sweeten and pour the resulting mixture of meat with vegetables and spices. Then send to stew to full readiness on a small fire.

recipe for cooking pork goulash
The recipe for cooking goulash from pork isdiffers more from the classical Hungarian. So, it will require pork weighing one kilogram, sour cream of 200 ml, two onions, 4 tablespoons of flour and two such spoons of tomato paste, traditional spices and herbs.

To cook it follows as follows: pork is cut into small cubes and sent to the roast until golden brown. Then it is filled with water so that the latter only covers the meat, and stews.

At the same time in a separate bowl,cut into rings, is brought to a golden color. Next, flour is introduced into it and mixed thoroughly, avoiding the formation of lumps. The mixture should be sent to the pork as soon as it emits a delicate nutty smell.

In a separate container, tomato paste is mixed andsour cream. If necessary, you can add half a cup of water. The resulting sauce pour the meat, bring to a boil, include black pepper, finely chopped greens and salt. That's all: ready pork goulash.

The recipe for the classic "shepherd's dish", of courseIt is different from what modern cooks understand by it. But still it is worth trying at least once to prepare each of those options that were described above.

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