/ / Milk "Prostokvashino": manufacturer and product features

Milk "Prostokvashino": manufacturer and product features

If we are talking about a quality product, then it isMilk "Prostokvashino" (producer - Russia) deserves the best recommendations. It should be noted that it was produced by the largest producer of dairy products in the open spaces of the state.

Development of the company

milk milk

Evolution of "Prostokvashino" as a milk brand №1began at the beginning of the two thousandth years. In 2002, the company approved and signed a commodity agreement with Unimilk and E. Uspensky, who invented illustrations for the products and the company's logo. So there was a new trademark and milk "Prostokvashino" (producer - Russia).

The company's products first saw the light in St. Petersburg,where the first batch of milk was produced at Petmole. High quality and availability of products have made it in demand. This, in turn, provoked a high growth in demand for the goods, and already in 2004 milk "Prostokvashino (producer - Russia) deserves the title of national product and goes to the conveyor production at all Unimilk sales outlets.

Few people know that initially the milk was not includedin a package of manufactured products, and the company itself existed under the name "From Prostokvashino" and was engaged in a limited production of dairy products - yoghurts, sour cream, kefir.

A bit of starock producer in Russia

Launch of a new production line

In 2008 the company conducts brand restyling. This allowed all the products of the company to acquire a uniform look. A year later, the manufacturer was awarded the "BRAND OF THE YEAR / EFFIE" mark, and the following year it was in the rating of the largest consumer brands in the domestic market.

That rebranding served as a push in the activepromotion of the brand not only at the national level, but also in the CIS. The company's update consisted in changing the logo, product design and positioning in the market. Thus, the charming cat Matroskin, promotes its products, and the buyers associate it with memories from the good old cartoon, where he constantly fusses with his cow to provide everyone with fresh, fresh milk.

"Prostokvashino" for today is the largest animated domestic brand of dairy products, the goods of which are successfully sold on the market.

Joining with Danone

In the development of the company 2010 was a key year. After uniting the milk "Prostokvashino" - the manufacturer in Russia No. 1 - gets the opportunity to enter the world level. French company "Danone" is interested in the company's assets and offers the brand "Prostokvashino" a contract for long-term cooperation.

From now on, the brand described is engaged in the production of a dairy product, namely:

  • milk;
  • fermented;
  • cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • curd mass;
  • sour cream;
  • milkshakes.

Milk whole pasteurized sour milk

"Prostokvashino": a company that is trusted

It should be noted that the milk is wholepasteurized "Prostokvashino" passed a lot of tests and checks. Quality control showed that the product of 3.5% fat content is safe and has useful properties. People of different age categories can consume such milk.

According to the test results, such positive qualities of milk were noted:

  • security;
  • full naturalness;
  • pleasant taste qualities;
  • absence of inclusion of vegetable fats and preservatives.

Of the shortcomings, only one negative quality is noted - a long shelf-life of the product.

Based on the tests conducted, the researchersfound that milk "Prostokvashino" select (producer - Russia) meets all the requirements and characteristics put forward by the Ministry of Health. Thanks to control studies, it was noted that pathogenic organisms and pathogens in the composition of the pasteurized product (milk) were not detected. Preservatives and colorants in the product are also not contained, and all indicators are within the norm.

Features of milk "Prostokvashino"

Many are alarmed by the high expiration dateproduct, exceeding the regulatory framework several times. It is recommended to keep the pasteurized milk no longer than 3 days. This is allowed if the manufacturer vouches for the quality and safety of the product throughout the life of the product. But the distinctive features of milk production "Prostokvashino" are:

  • in the modern high-tech production of products;
  • support of the agrarian environment, in the presence of private farms that produce milk;
  • Regular systematic training of personnel working in factories and agriculture, as well as those who are in contact with the machinery for processing milk;
  • special control of the original products.

Prostokvashino milk selected

The use of modern technology,environmentally friendly raw materials, controlling at each of the production stages allows you to create high-quality products that fully meet the requirements of the buyer. It is such a milk "Prostokvashino" select (producer - Russia).

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