/ / Stuffing for meat dumplings - a recipe for any mistress

Minced meat for dumplings - a recipe for any mistress

It's no secret that the current generation of housewives has grownon purchased dumplings. But the fashion for homemade, cooked by own hands, comes back. And one of the hits is pelmeni. Mincemeat for dumplings - the recipe is very tasty and nutritious.

Not boring, pale and monotonous, as we are themused to see, running from work and throwing into the boiling water the first pack of dough with stuffing from the supermarket, and real, fragrant, homemade and delicious dumplings.

In addition to an ideal test of an important componentis properly prepared minced meat for dumplings. Recipe each family their own, often drawn from the mother or grandmother of the coveted thick notebooks and sometimes their obtained by trial and error. After cooking stuffing for dumplings brand - is a science, which has its scope and limitations, should be targeted.

Dumplings stuffing has a number of differences from ordinaryminced meat for cutlets. Why? Because it is prepared in its own juice, in an enclosed space, in small pieces. How correctly to prepare such pelmeni forcemeat which will not get stuck with a rigid lump in a throat, and on the contrary, will cause admiration of associates?

If you cook minced meat for dumplings, the recipe is better.take over from the very beginning. Those. no purchased ground meat of an unknown breed. Do not shave it, even if on the price tag is written in large letters "minced meat for dumplings." The recipe is still not there.

So, what is the most common stuffing recipefor dumplings? If you take 700 g of beef + 500 g of pork + 300 g of fat, then onions we need 3 large onions. And it's all. Believe me, in addition to salt and pepper in this pelmeni forcemeat is nothing to add. The whole secret is in its preparation. The choice of meat for dumplings should be approached with all responsibility. No frozen meat for this recipe is allowed! Only steam or chilled. And with the right technology on the way out, we'll get exactly the pelmeni stuff that you want to try even without any ravioli.

Good dumplings stuffing - tender and melting ontongue, he must give a minimum of nutrients and flavoring substances to the water when cooking, but that broth, which is inside each pel'meshka, simply must be supersaturated, both in taste and in nutrition.

So what is the peculiarity of such a process ascooking stuffing for dumplings? Only in diligence. First of all, we need to grind the prepared products. Meat for the future of minced meat is cut into uniform pieces, onions are also small slices. We take the largest mesh net on the meat grinder and rotate our semi-finished products three times. This is not a reservation, it is large, small, you immediately cook meat sauce, which will already be unsuitable for dumplings. To ensure that the meat grinder is not clogged and the process of preparing forcemeat was fun and fast, the meat should be strongly chilled. If you have a meat grinder manual, then in this case you have the right to attract man's power. The efforts of your half will fully pay off when he tries to cook the masterpiece.

Now the most responsible work. In our stuffing for dumplings, according to the recipe, you need to add salt and pepper, if you doubt the quantity, it's better to put less than the norm. And we begin to beat him about the board, certainly without fanaticism, if we do not want to immediately start cleaning in the kitchen. Gradually, for every 10 strokes, add 1 spoonful of ice water. Five such cycles will be enough, provided that the minced meat has turned out to be about one and a half kilograms (the approximate ratio of the initial products was indicated above).

These simple manipulations in the processcooking and give exactly the airiness that should be present in the dumplings stuffing. Do not add eggs, milk or soaked loaf. The egg will give stiffness and dryness, and milk and bread will disturb the harmonious taste of meat, which must be present in our dumplings.

Prepare for meat minced pelmeni, and then the whole family will wait for dinner with great joy!

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