/ / How to make a mimosa salad

How to Make a Mimosa Salad

In the seventies of the twentieth century, one of the mistressesin our country came the idea to use for a salad that small set of products, which was then always in stores. So there was a salad "Mimosa", one of the simplest in cooking, but incredibly tasty and favorite salads of Soviet people. Every hostess today knows how to make a salad "Mimosa". Especially helps this dish when in the refrigerator there is only a minimum of products.

The first recipe for salad "Mimosa" included boiledeggs, canned fish, mayonnaise, cheese. This popular salad was served on the festive table along with "Olivier" and "Herring under the fur coat." Now, due to the simplicity and cheapness of the recipe, it is also prepared on weekdays. How to make a salad "Mimosa" - this is known today and old, and young.

In the twenty-first century a greata variety of variations of this amazing invention of Soviet hostesses: with crab sticks, with shrimps, sprats and other canned fish and seafood. In magazines, newspapers, on forums on the Internet young and experienced culinary specialists share their recipes in the sections "Salads how to do." Mandatory ingredients of Mimosa salad were supplemented with onions and greens, carrots, potatoes, garlic, butter, rice, apples, etc.

First we will tell you how to make a mimosa salad according to a classic recipe.

For its preparation we take eggs (4 pcs.), potatoes (2 medium potatoes), cheese (200 g), carrots (1 medium carrot), mayonnaise (200 g), canned fish in oil (1 can of sprat, saury, mackerel, sardines, etc.) oil (100 g), onions (2 medium bulbs), garlic (2 cloves) and greens (to taste).

We boil potatoes, eggs and carrots, we cool andwe clean them from peel and shell. The proteins are carefully separated from the yolks and rubbed on a fine grater separately. On the same grater, potatoes, carrots and cheese are rubbed. Onions are minutely cut. Now mix potatoes with 100 grams of mayonnaise sauce and garlic. Prepared foods are laid out in a glass salad bowl or on a flat dish in layers. First comes a mixture of potatoes, garlic and mayonnaise, followed by crushed onions, a hard butter, which is rubbed on a fine grater directly above the dish. Some housewives, learning how to make a mimosa salad from their friends, sometimes start with a layer of canned fish, but still a layer of potatoes gives the dish a great satiety and rich taste.

Then comes the turn of grated egg whites, and onthey are laid out fish canned food, already kneaded with a fork to the consistency of gruel and without fish seeds. We put carrots on the fish, and then cheese. Cover it all with a layer of mayonnaise, then sprinkle with grated yolk, on top of which beautifully spread twigs of greenery (it can be crushed and sprinkled on top of the salad).

We put the salad in the fridge so that it is well soaked, it is better for 2-3 hours, but if the guests are already on the way, 30 minutes will suffice.

In some recipes "How to make a mimosa salad"you can find an option when mayonnaise promazyvaetsya each layer. In this case, mayonnaise is better to look for with lemon juice, and not with a bite (so useful for health). For lubrication, take this sauce medium- or high-calorie, mayonnaise with a low calorie content for the interlayer is not very suitable.

How to make a winter salad "Mimosa", you already know. But in the spring-summer salad instead of onions add the feathers of a green onion, only decorate their favorite dish when it is completely ready.

For those who sit on a diet, there are options for dietary salads "Mimosa". But even the classic recipe for this dish will not be too harmful for those who follow their figure.

The above recipe for salad "Mimosa"suitable for weekdays. At the festive table, canned fish in oil can be replaced by trout, pink salmon, shrimps, ket, etc., even cod liver is used in recipes.

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