How to pickle butter? Multiple Recipes
Oily - rather popular mushrooms and frequentguests on our tables. They can be eaten in boiled, fried and salted form. But today we will talk about how to pickle butter. As in any other culinary recipes, here there are special features and subtleties. Marinated maslings are delicious and will rightfully occupy the main place on every table. So, there are a few recipes that will allow you to cook delicious oatmeal.
The first recipe is very simple. Thus, you can stock up these mushrooms for the winter. Take one kilogram of oil and carefully treat them (cleaned of dirt and washed). Do not forget to remove the affected areas, and wormy mushrooms do not use at all. Then put the pot of water on the fire and wait for the water to boil. If the mushrooms are large, then you can cut them into pieces. Then put them in boiling water, in which we first add a little salt. We cook for about 25-30 minutes. Next, we shift the mushrooms into a colander to get rid of excess fluid. Immediately shift them into a pan, only enameled. Add a teaspoon of essences to the oils and mix them well. You can optionally add garlic.
Mushrooms are placed in prepared cans and put them to be sterilized within 30 minutes. Immediately close the lids with lids. This is a very simple way how to pickle butter.
Sometimes it is recommended to remove the upper peel before oiling. This makes the mushrooms less slippery and beautiful. You can marinate an oil in the following way.
Mushrooms are sorted and removed from the top hatskin. Then pour water into the pan and put it on the fire. We put into it prepared mushrooms and cook. The cooking time is 15 minutes after boiling water. Then drain the water and rinse the mushrooms with special care. This procedure is done three times. For the last boiling, pour water so that it is above the mushrooms for about one finger.
Now add the spices. For three liters of mushrooms you need to put a tablespoon of salt. Also add bay leaf, cloves and half a glass of vinegar (9%). Mushrooms in marinade cook for about an hour. Do not forget to sometimes interfere with the contents of the pan. If the mushrooms are ready, then they fall to the bottom of the container, where they cook, and the marinade becomes transparent. Further, we spread the prepared oil in cans, which are closed with lids.
Any mushroom pick knows that the fungi need to be carefully sorted. Therefore, before pickling the oil, remove all spoiled and wormy specimens.
Another recipe for cooking pickled oil. Pre-prepared mushrooms are boiled for 10 minutes, after boiling water in a saucepan. We throw them in a colander and prepare the marinade. One kilogram of mushrooms in raw form requires 125 grams of table vinegar (6%), 100 grams of water, and half a tablespoon of salt and sugar. We lower the oil in the marinade and cook for 25-30 minutes. For one minute before the readiness to add spices. As spices we use cloves, traditional bay leaves and peppercorns.
Mushrooms are laid out in pasteurized jars and closed with lids. When the banks cool down, you need to put them in a cool place. Keep such blanks can be one year.
There are many options how to pickle the butter. Fans of this dish have their original recipe in stock. You can add any spices and spices. Sometimes use cinnamon.
For two kilograms of mushrooms you need to take one liter of water, 80 grams of sugar, 50 grams of salt, 200 ml of apple vinegar, cinnamon, bay leaf.
Mushrooms boil in hot water for 8 minutes,then put them into the cooked marinade. We heat it until the fungi lie on the bottom of the container. After that, we distribute them in cans and close them with lids.
Choose any favorite recipe and cook with great pleasure.