/ / The original recipe for crabs - a dream of a true gourmet

The original recipe for crabs is the dream of a true gourmet

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Wonderful crab dishes are very popular inAmerican and Japanese cuisine and belong to delicacies for their nutritional and taste properties. Crab meat has a very delicate taste, which is good for sweet and spicy dishes. Crabs are a large species of crustaceans. Some of these individuals can reach 2-3 kilograms.

In cooking crabs are advised to usecooking a wide variety of dishes. The meat of the crabs after the treatment acquires a tender taste and becomes fibrous. According to culinary experts, the tidbits are extracted from the articulations of legs with a trunk and fleshy claws. Crab meat can be consumed both in its pure form and in a variety of snacks, side dishes, first or second courses.

Crab meat contains vitamins B12, E anduseful minerals. It is a valuable source of iodine and protein. In its composition, in addition, includes phosphorus and lecithin. Crab meat, in spite of all the useful substances that enter it, is not at all caloric. A hundred grams of meat accounts for only 96 calories. It is recommended to eat crab meat to those who sit on a diet, and also eat it for cardiovascular diseases and anemia.

Crab cooking is short-livedboiling in water or frying. Recently, television shows a lot of TV shows, in which they tell us how to cook crabs properly, so that they retain all the useful substances. So, it is important not to digest here.

Crab meat is often stuffed for fillingfruits or vegetables. As a basis of a stuffing use rice, garlic, an onion, sauces. Also with crab meat, white wine is well combined. Currently, crab meat can be found in many supermarkets, but some gourmets prefer to eat freshly prepared crustaceans, as this is the most delicious and useful recipe for crabs.

For cooking live crabuse a simple recipe for crabs: 2.5 liters of water per 0.5 kg of crab, 175 g of salt, celery, onions, spices. Crab is placed in water, boiled for 15 minutes after boiling. Serve crab meat finely chopped in a shell, season with greens and white wine.

From the crab you can cook a delicious andexquisite salad with mushrooms. To make it, you need to take the following: fresh mushrooms, crab meat, ham, potatoes, olives, olive oil, salt, black pepper and lemon juice.

Crab balls are very popular among gourmets. They include crabmeat 0.5 kg, 100 g pork, garlic cloves, salt, two teaspoons of starch, ground pepper, two eggs, breadcrumbs, corn oil and dry wine. Crab and pork finely cut, add the squeezed garlic, starch, pepper, salt, wine, egg white and mix. They put for half an hour in a cold place. Then from the prepared forcemeat roll balls and crumble in breadcrumbs. Fry deep-fried until golden brown. Before feeding, the balls must be allowed to drain.

Recipe for crabs with green salad looks likeas follows: canned crab 0.15 kg, 30 g of green salad, 30 ml of soy sauce, 5 g of sesame oil, 0.5 tsp of vinegar. Salad well washed, cleaned, cut into several parts. Crabs are taken out of meat. Salad is spread on the bottom of the salad bowl, topped with meat, poured with soy sauce in combination with sesame oil and vinegar. Very tasty and simple recipe.

And finally, we offer a recipe for crabs,this is a very unusual and tasty dish. It will take 50 g crabs, carrots, cucumbers, peas, potatoes 20 grams, jelly, greens. In portioning molds for jellied pour a little jelly. When it starts to solidify, slices of crab meat, potatoes, finely chopped vegetables, peas are placed in it, then poured on top of the remaining unheated jelly and placed in the cold. Before serving, the form is lowered into warm water for a couple of minutes and put the jelly on a plate. As a garnish use vegetables, for registration - greens.

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