Lenten soup with beans is a delicious and healthy dish
Very often a lean borsch with beans is preparedmistress during the summer heat, because it can be eaten and cold. This dish perfectly satisfies hunger and does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which sometimes occurs in the use of traditional borsch.
To prepare this dish you need 200 gbeans. Often, the housewives cook the beans in advance, because it takes a very long time to prepare. You can also soak the beans for the night before cooking. Lenten borsch with beans has a better taste when beans are cooked before the borsch cooking process begins. To accelerate the digestion of beans, there is a proven method of cooking it. Beans are placed in a pot of water and after the water boils, and the beans boil for 20 minutes, boiling water pours out and cold water is added to the pan. Then the process is repeated 3-4 times until the beans are ready.
Broth from boiled beans should be added. The large eggplant is peeled and cut into slices. In the same way we do with the vegetable marrow. It is best to take young vegetables that do not have a hard crust. The sliced mugs are salted and peppered, then crumbled in flour and fried in vegetable oil.
For roasting it is necessary to roast the slicedcubes of onion, sweet Bulgarian pepper and finely grated carrots. After all vegetables are slightly fried, 200 ml of tomato juice should be added to the frying pan. If there are fresh tomatoes, the juice can be replaced, peeled and finely chopped tomatoes.
In the boiling bean broth add the choppeddiced potatoes, aubergines and zucchini. Borscht lean with beans cook almost until the potato is ready, after which add finely chopped cabbage and roast. At this time, you need to salt and pepper the dish. Before the end of cooking in the lean borsch with beans add chopped greens.
There is another recipe, according to which the leanborscht with beans cook with the addition of canned food, namely gobies or sprats in tomato. You can use other types of canned fish, the main thing is to have them with tomato sauce. This borscht can be consumed hot and cold.
For its preparation, beans are cooked, towhich is added chopped potatoes, which is cooked for 15 minutes. At the same time, a tomato dressing for borsch is prepared. Sliced carrots, onions, celery root and parsley root, beetroot are fried in a frying pan for 15 minutes. Add tomato juice or tomato paste to the frying pan. Chopped cabbage and thinly chopped sweet pepper are put in a saucepan. To the contents of the pan add canned fish, and then pour into it and tomato dressing. Borsch needs to cook for 5 minutes. Chopped greens and green onions add just before the end of cooking. Another pepper and bay leaf are added to borsch. The ready dish is infused for 20 minutes, after which it is ready for use.
Ukrainian borscht with beans is very tasty. To prepare this dish you need 200 g of beans, celery root and parsley root, 3 small beets, 2 onions.
Beans are boiled in any way. Add the chopped onion and chopped celery root and parsley root into the broth. There, put the beet, which after 30 minutes is removed. In beans broth add 300 grams of sauerkraut, from which the juice is pre-pressed. In the borscht are added peeled and finely chopped tomatoes, carrot and turnips cut into strips. The dish must be peppered and seasoned. Before the end of cooking in borsch add half a cup of flour mixed in 100 ml of cooled bean broth. Cooked beets are rubbed on a grater and added to borsch. Before the end of cooking, the dish is added chopped garlic. Ready borscht spilled on plates and add chopped greens.