Recipes for preparation of sea kale for all occasions
Seaweed (kelp), once considereddelicacy, today is a frequent guest on our tables. Its taste is slightly bitter, but it even gives the product some zest. Sea cabbage can be eaten separately or added to salads, soups and much more. However, in salads, it occurs most often. The use of sea cabbage is so huge that it can rightfully be called a universal remedy for treating various diseases. In kelp contains a large amount of iodine, so it is advisable to eat it for those who have a problem with thyroid gland or iodine deficiency.
Recipes of preparation of sea kale arethe most diverse. Laminaria is perfectly combined with vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and many others. The big plus of it is that it has a low calorie content, so it is a real treat for those who want to lose weight. In this article we will talk about what delicious dishes from sea kale can be cooked.
Recipes of preparation of sea kale
Salad "Exquisite"
Ingredients: 500 g of sea kale, 1 large bell pepper, 1 onion, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.
Cooking process: preparation of sea kale begins with the fact that we scald boiled water onions cut into rings. Rinse it with cold water so that the bitterness is gone. Pepper is cut into small pieces, mixed with sea kale and onions. Fill salad with vegetable oil, add salt and pepper to taste.
Salad "Unusual"
Ingredients: 400 g squid, 400 g sea kale, 150 g pumpkin, 1 fresh cucumber, 1 egg, vegetable oil, salt, pepper.
Preparation: Squid boil for 5 minutes, peel and cut into strips. Pumpkin flesh (without peel) is boiled in broth, which remained from cooking squid, after which we also cut into strips. Egg and cucumber chop. Mix sea kale with the rest of the products and season with vegetable oil. If desired, fresh squid can be replaced with canned.
Salad «Sea kale with mushrooms»
Ingredients: 1 glass of sea cabbage, 10 mushrooms (medium size), 2 eggs, 1 onion, 1 tbsp sour cream, 2 small pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise, salt, pepper.
Preparation: champignons cut into plates and fry with finely chopped onions in vegetable oil. Eggs and cucumbers are ground, mixed with sea kale and champignons. We prepare the dressing: mix sour cream with a small amount of mayonnaise. We fill the salad. If necessary, add salt and pepper to taste.
Delicious and following recipes for preparing sea kale:
"Simple" salad
Ingredients: 300 g of sea kale, 2-3 eggs, green onions, mayonnaise.
Preparation: eggs boil, crush, mix with sea kale and green onions. Salad dressing with mayonnaise.
Salad «For a figure»
Ingredients: 150 g of sea kale, 50 g of walnut, 50 prunes, 50 g of raisins, vegetable oil.
Preparation: Wash walnuts and grind, prunes and raisins slightly steamed in hot water, cut into small pieces. Mix everything, season with vegetable (olive) oil.
Salad "Sea Thing"
Ingredients: 150 grams of sea kale, 2 medium-sized apples, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 2 sprigs of celery, 3 tablespoons low-fat sour cream, salt, pepper.
Preparation: Wash all vegetables well. Apples and carrots grate on a large grater, cut tomatoes and cucumbers into cubes. All mixed with sea kale and let stand lettuce for 5 minutes. Season with sour cream and sprinkle celery topping if desired.
This is not all cooking recipes marinecabbage. By the way, you can quite experiment and come up with your original salad or another dish using laminaria. Do not be afraid to combine different products, because in the end you can get a completely unfamiliar new taste.